It's time for WoW to go PAY TO WIN

Now hear me out before you downvote me. Oh wait, you can’t downvote me. LOL. Let’s continue then.

Think of the possibilities! We could buy +10 item level tokens, +socket tokens and even +tertiary stat tokens. I WANT 40% leech demmit and I’m will to PAY for it. Like a lot. I have TONS of disposable income.

We would be able to CUSTOMIZE our characters the way we WANT and we’d give those NO LIFE PvErs a run for their money! LITERALLY!

This is a win/win situation for me. Also, my guild name would make more sense.



I now want N’Zoth to win.

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What? Are you afraid of competition? If I make more disposable income than you do IRL don’t I DESERVE to have an advantage?

Git gud at life.

Go back to reddit. We don’t want any.

Maybe you should leave San Francisco and move to a place with a lower cost of living so you can spend your money on things that are truly important like a set of FULLY INDESTRUCTIBLE armor.

Does your tabard have the Visa logo on it? lol
I played another mmo that had a pay-to-win store. Dude on that game had a Visa logo on all his stuff. It was crazy funny. :rofl:

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Be quiet.


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Where’s a good “wall of no” when you really need one?


Now go home and get your shine box.

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Oh lord. Too funny

I’ll sell you up votes!

Back in the day before I came to retail there was a private server called wowbeez I was on I paid $$$ to get a full talent tree. It was very OP and I did have fun there for a little while with it, but it got old after a while and I started playing other toons.
So I say NO.