It's time for transmog fees to go

You do realize they lowered the gold acquisition of other things when they implemented that change, yes? And people complained about losing those gold making opportunities.

So again, we can remove transmog cost. But it has to be countered elsewhere.

Very much support removal of the gold cost of transmog.


I feel like repair costs are enough for gold sink so making transmog free would be nice. Iā€™m fine either way though.

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As much as I change my transmog non-stop, I donā€™t think that might be a good idea.

What I think Blizzard should do is create some sort of system that enable us to change between ā€œmog setsā€ without having to pay all the time.

Letā€™s say thereā€™s 3 ā€œsetsā€ that we can save and change between those, but players still got to pay to customize them.

It would also require to detach mog appearances from items.

Capital G gamers bending over backwards to explain why you should have a fee to change your clothes, but barbershop and mount speeds were updated to no longer have fees. :dracthyr_shrug:


I heard not all the time. If nobody buys the token, it still supplies gold after a while. Doesnā€™t change that most gold sinks have become meaningless if thereā€™s a way to get that much gold in a short time.

And all of that was already explained to you as to how it was done and the gold acquisition removed, but hey, weā€™ll just ignore that, right?

This isnā€™t correct at all.

I feel like someone keeps trying to tell me something with zero sources or proof.

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play void elf

50% off

Honestly it is annoying just HOW MUCH the cost is, like if anything else just lower it to the void elf cost. Iā€™d like for it to be removed tho


Removing fees would benefit velfs the most. Unless you get another filler racial ability likeā€¦ All your vegetables are void touched now. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I feel the same way.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

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As a cheapskate, I agree.

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Transmog fees as well as repairs and flight paths are small daily gold sinks.

They help keep the gold levels reflexively in check so people donā€™t just hoard their gold and mess the economy up any more than it already is.

Transmog fees are perfectly fine.

Didnt you used to be a warr tank?

Theyā€™ve already done that.

They got rid of mission tables. Making the AH region wide on stackable items has driven down the price - itā€™s more profitable now to do WQs than gathering professions. And the profession re-vamp has cut out a lot of causal players whoā€™d make a little side gold from crafting.

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Hm, no I think this sounds better.

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If youā€™re struggling to pay 700g every few days, you have bigger problems on your hands.

Go do world quests. Spend an hour and youā€™ll get over 4k out of it. Do that twice a week on 2-3 toons and your gold problems are solved.

No more worrying about transmog costs.

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I donā€™t think you understand how the token works. The tokens donā€™t add any gold to the economy, itā€™s just changing hands at a 1/1 ratio from one person to another. Thereā€™s no new gold generated like there is from world quests.

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