It's Time for the Plague Doctor Title

And transmog, while you’re at it. If these trying times have shown us one thing it’s that Medieval-ish RPGs have seriously uderrepresented the storied profession of plague doctor, quite a common sight for several centuries during the Middla Ages, before, and after. My Affliction Warlock hereby demans the availability of the title “Plague Doctor”.

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YOU cannot comprehend my GENIUS?!

Or Plague Knight. Plague Knight title would be cool. Nice little gift to the teeny fanboy in me.

i just want the mask ingame tbh.

already got one irl

I mean technically the Nathria set is plague doctor (kind of) … Just wish it was a super dark (well… Black) set and I wish it was more of a cape/coat kinda thing instead of chest piece + pants

Probably never because plague doctors have a negative stigma around them due to their choosing of clothing and the times they were in.

Impressive ears. Those are SO hard to find!

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You can get the masks if you’re a cloth wearer.

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Isn’t what we currently have ?

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