Yes, thats right, free to the masses, around the world. Its a game that is almost 20 years old. At this point, who cares, Blizzard has nothing to lose. No guarantee this will save the ERA servers. Blizzard is basically got a bloody nose, that won’t stop bleeding. I think we can all agree the Era server idea is a s disaster. If the idea, FREE to PLAY, was to come to pass, options must also to be made available as well.
I propose, let the players buy boosted level 58 characters for Era servers. Up to three. Let them have the option to transfer their characters to TBC servers with a transfer fee and also must have an active subscription to WoW. Eventually I say in 2 years, classic WotLK will be right behind it.
As Morpheus said to Neo, " Free…your…mind. Let it all go. " Let classic ERA servers go FREE ! I was 32 when Vanilla WoW was released. Now I am 49. Would like to think, classic WoW can survive another 20 more. What say you Blizzard?
According to Blizzard, Classic is already free. It is free with your Retail subscription.
It might be 20 years old, but the servers still cost money to run.
Nothing to see here, folks, just another greedy “gimme gimme gimme” thread.
Sounds good to me. Lets do it
Sounds amazing. Down with TBC
home alone is still $4.99 to rent and is older than a good chunk of people playing this game.
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Is there a link to a post or page where they actually state this, or is this just folklore on the forums? The subscription is for World of Warcraft. All 3 versions are included in your subscription. That’s the way it is advertised and promoted officially.
Can we get a blue post on this to clarify?
those paying for server uptime and maintenance.
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The goal is to have the services so that when pirates run it, blizzard has a streamlined intact IP to point to as a means of action. The goal is not to “save the ERA servers”. Classic basically already did, even if the servers are dead. They might not be dead years later.
The only reason why people even played the servers were hype and streamer driven community really. The viral hype caused friends to play which caused those friends to play which caused more friends to play. The very SECOND the viral hype dies, the game dies. Oh look TBC is a thing, guess the viral hype moved over to there. Vanilla dies.
WTF, that defeats the purpose of a vanilla era server. The point of Vanilla was to painfully play an awful MMO to induce nostalgia and open your eyes to the fact you played the game because your friends did and the sunken cost fallacy keeps you committed.
Ironic. This quote can be applied to people who play games only because streamers play it and they want to interact with the streamer.
It exists as a playable museum piece. Its a treatment that far exceeds anything else that any other retired MMO has ever gotten.
Giant overwatch banners hanging from the ramparts in SW?
Nah, not going to happen.