It's the holidays

So don’t forget to remember to take it a bit easy if you can and enjoy time with whoever you’re spending time with

Also don’t engage with people who make it their life’s goal to never stop mentioning that die hard is a Christmas movie

They are my favorite people, because they can suspend reality for a moment in time.:slightly_smiling_face:

It is though.

Anything is a Christmas movie id you watch it around Christmas yearly.


Toxic OP is toxic.


Die Hard is a Christmas movie.

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It isn’t Christmas without two movies… The Sound of Music. Why? Because it used to come on regular broadcast tv when I was a kid every year around Christmas, so it is tradition… Die Hard, because Yippee Ki Yay…

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But Die Hard is listed under holiday movies in iTunes so obviously you are wrong. :upside_down_face:

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See what did I say

They swarm with their addiction

It’s a Christmas movie!

any movie that endears Christmas spirit should be considered a holiday movie. Every time i get glass in my feet during Christmas, I think of die hard

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Mace Windu: Your movie is set on Christmas eve, but we do not grant you the rank of Christmas movie.

True Romance is my Christmas movie.

Gotta agree with you on this one; Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It’s THE Christmas movie.