What’s harming WoW the most?
Time. Time is the only correct answer.
What’s harming WoW the most?
Time. Time is the only correct answer.
Im surprised more people here arent really saying it but…
The toxicity of players which is a core theme in this thread alone. I dont know if Blizzard or any game company can fix that without a huge team to police it.
Maybe they need a better way to seperate players out by what kind of gameplay and content they want but then again maybe this is just the direction games are going.
Nice to see Nyhm still getting a little attention these days.
Balancing/ designing M+ around the top 1%. It results in meta classes and a lack of viability for the non meta, which ultimately just limits our choices.
What non meta is not viable for what
Casual, a player that doesn’t take the game seriously. Plays for fun regardless of time played or content played.
didn’t help they fired most of their cms and gms.
It’s not the end but at some point they’re going to have pivot and start from the ground up if they want to keep bringing in the big money.
Uhhhh what? These were boring and terrible… So no fried take.
As someone else said. Wow was always the ezmode mmo and would you look at that, it was also the most popular by far.
You look at any game whatsoever. The vast majority are bad because they just sign on to play and have fun with friends. Successful games don’t cut those out. League of Legends is massively popular and all the best skins are easily purchased by the worst players in the game. Wow is the only game that gives bad players less.
If anything wow needs to go full on and cater to casuals more. If they catered to the hardcore, only the hardcore play and you get WildStar. A game that shuts down because there’s so few people playing it can’t sustain itself.
Truly bad of bad takes.
I dont know if WoW has reached the point that all it would take is one really bad decision from the top brass that would alienate enough of the player-base for it suffer cascading failures.
But yeah IMO like Wildstar, WoW itself will likely be the WoW-killer
I don’t think it’s all a specific problem to wow anymore, or even blizzard. MMO’s arent as popular as they once were. Unfortunately they have also fallen into “games as a service” model.
So i guess to really give an answer, I miss logging into a grand adventure that feels like a massive and sometimes scary world rather than the mess that is retail and feels like an overdone mobile game at times. Recently went to classic and I’m actually having a good time.
My biggest gripe with the game is with M+'s implementation (the specifics of it, not that it exists), but M+ almost definitely has kept more players engaged than it has pushed away, due to the fact that it converted dungeon content from semi-useless trash (after the first couple weeks) into an actual endgame pillar that doesn’t require scheduling away multiple several-hour blocks of time to work on seriously.
I think too much fixation on adding new places and races etc. is a really cluttering the world and it’s lore too. New races is okay just like we get a lot of that now and I feel like these races end up just kind of hijacking the entire story.
I think we could gain a lot from expanding on existing continents and giving them face lifts, new early quests for levelers, and new late quests in those areas.
It’s nice revisiting old zones but after so many years I’d love to see how they have evolved canonically and more importantly I’d love to see all the low poly stuff gradually replaced, not just monsters like we’ve been doing, but all the doodads and even how the mountain ridges are textured etc.
Its player base >.>
Ducks thrown brick
I think with this new regime in place, it’s definitely tanking. They are slow to respond, very little communication and the skill level is just not there.
People said the exact same thing in Shadowlands.
And yet here we are.
I agree.
I mean I remember hearing people say this in SL, and BfA, and Legion, and so on…basically all the way back to Cata really. (Probably before than too, but I joined in Wrath lol)
I mean I think WoW isn’t as popular as it once was. (I also just came back from a long break), but MMOs aren’t as popular as they were. There’s better competition in the online gaming space than there used to be.
I just don’t think WoW’s in any danger of closing anytime soon. Not unless something royally goes wrong.
I miss the world feeling large. Stop adding small islands to everything and just start making zones bigger.
On another note that’ll get some socks in a knot: Any form of woke being added to the game, hah.
Not just WoW but gaming as a whole trying too hard to tell a deep and compelling story that falls flat because:
I have no idea why modern gaming is in the hole that it’s in. It’s like story directors have never played a video game. Do. Cool. Things.
and don’t think about it too hard trying to make it some 5D chess movement, no one thinks your ***** plots are clever or interesting.