It's the end of the world (of warcraft) and I feel fine

i hope blz doesn’t mess around with class balance too often. Ppl still playing d2 and feel comfortable. It’s ok we keep old things for a while. Destroying a class/spec in the name of tuning won’t make ppl feel “fresh”.

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bruh what are you smoking

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Errrr, you do realize when you say they were “fun at the end”, it’s because “at the end”, the grind was over at AP catchup system was basically through billions of AP at you for just sneezing in-game, right?

So your whole argument that the borrowed power system was good is negated by your own admission…


They were fun at the end because their flaws were largely removed and newer more polished parts added. There was never really and “end” to the system since you could constantly level it up, which is the part I really enjoyed.

Nice try on a gotcha I guess?

It was a very successful gotcha actually.

In short, you admit that the system was terrible at the start and required heaps of “polishing”. This is gaslight speak for what actually happened. That is, the mass AP catchup system.

In legion it was the mass AP catchup system. In BfA it was also an AP catchup system but also changes to how the rings worked in azerite gear. In SL it was the wholesale scrapping of covenant lock-ins and conduit catchup system.

Are you starting to notice a theme here? Each and every borrowed power system implemented was pure garbage (by your own admission) at the beginning and only became actually playable towards the end after the whole point of the grind was made irrelevant thus exposing the gaping flaw in the concept to begin with.

Again, you admit this yourself.

They locked the viability of what you were playing behind a required grind (Crappy) which shouldn’t exist as the classes and specs should have existed on their own.

Once they removed that with the catch up the system it was good, because all it had left was the “infinite” levels and the Essences in BFA. An infinite grind where people gained power past their gear caps. That’s what made it good.

There were catch ups each week as the AP required was lowered by a SINGLE level, but still an infinite grind.

Irrelevant to an infinite power grind, SL crap was largely cosmetics past the renown lock for that soulbinding :poop:.


The system was good when it was a copy of the D3 Paragon levels at the end of Legion and BFA. Locking how your class played behind the levels early on was the problem.

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Fragmentation of the player base. They’ve created 5 or 6 different versions of WoW, and a player can only do one at a time. Retail feels empty, queue times are long, and basic multi-player interactions are sparse because the players aren’t playing the same game. The same applies to the other modes.


In all honesty — Casuals probably make up most of the playerbase. :person_shrugging:

Whilst I don’t think they should go throat deep into catering to them – I do think they should present gameplay prospects that benefit that community.

It’s a very slim amount of the playerbase that are sweatlords who do high-end content — and to be honest at the end of the day, Blizzard are a company made-for-profit … Presenting content that’s the most fun for all, benefits both the elite community and casual community alike; rather than focusing on one group specifically & ostracizing the rest.

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Apathy. I dunno about the US, but on the EU, it’s an issue. People lost interest.


Emotionals who perceive the game as the center of their lives.


I mean, that defeats the whole purpose of why those systems were implemented in the first place though. Blizz didn’t implement the grind for the sake of it. They implemented it to keep people subbed and grinding away at said power levels for the longest periods possible. They were gating that desired gameplay you wanted, which you were only ever going to get at a point in time when getting to enjoy such a system became irrelevant because it was the end of the season/expac. Why you think blizz was forced to abandon the concept eventually? Because everyone hated it. And with good reason. Again, as you yourself have admitted.

Wrong. The renown lock forced people to either stay in one covenant or switch and get hit with a transfer penalty which delayed their progression. It was only after much complaint that that got removed. I also forgot to mention the additional grinds of the choreghast leggos, soul ash etc. All of it was complete garbage and terrible.

You did. You just don’t want to face the truth that you basically had a Fraeudian (IDK how to spell that) slip.

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Well they did say years ago that they work on expacs 3 at a time and that their last ever release they would have all 3 announced at the same time. But since Classic and SoD are still running, they might end retail and keep other versions going. Still hit Guiness World Records multiple times for top preforming MMO so in no way shape or form can you act like the game has been as bad as the forums and YT doomsayers try to make it out to be.

FOMO content. :person_shrugging:

Personally I believe that once it’s in the game — It should be earnable in the game, forever … Rather than have something in the game earnable for X limited time – Then REMOVED forever, with no compromise or revisit for it to return. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

  • I’d accept the compromise of FOMO rewards being HARDER to earn / ridiculously lowered drop chance in future content / far higher accomplishment requirements, in order to earn such high-value rewards though.

:clap: As someone who has the majority most of the mage tower appearances, I honestly wouldn’t mind if they brought those appearances back via the Mage Tower scenario today … I did them back when the content was current and still think it’s hard now, if not harder – as it was back then; thus deeming it worthy to grant such rewards.

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Dude you’ve obviously been playing for an extremely long time. Has your life not changed that dramatically in 20-years that you’re defending being sweaty?

Also, if you were on these forums during BFA it was almost universally hated yet now people talk about how great it is. I suspect SL will be the same in a few more expansions.

Again, for someone who has been playing as long as you seemingly have you’re dismissing the ebb and flow of historicals and how long the game has been perpetually “dying.”

If it was anyone else without as much veteranship as yourself I wouldn’t care but you should absolutely know better.

The biggest issue for WoW is that at this point it just feels like EQ with more expansions being tacked on and its age is really starting to show.

I dont remember if it was told to us beforehand or not, but I never thought my artifacts would carry over beyond the xpac. I thought it was understood we would still have the appearances but not the “item” . Maybe Im just remembering it wrong, Im old-ish. :thinking:

I don’t think it will end, There are many mmorpgs out there that survive off a single server with base of 1000 odd players and Wow has a pro fanbase much bigger than that who with stick with it no matter what . .

What harming hte game ? its a combination of games being treated more of a business and player getting baited into bad practices . Take Diablo immortal for example who cares of the gamer just focus on the whalers.

Very similar scenario in wow just not to that extent , why put any effort in the game when we can recycle rehash , reskin , rescale , just throw in few achievement, titles and players will fall over it.


The increasing sense of consumer entitlement and toxicity toward creators and designers of the things we love, amplified by their accessibility on social media. in the old days if u wanted to send hate mail to arthur conan doyle for killing off sherlock you’d have to go get a stamp and write a letter and somewhere in the process you’d hopefully realise you were acting insane, but now you can fire off 3x spiteful tweets while waiting for your coffee to brew

but also the crafting order lady’s excessively large no-mount zone knocking me off my damn birds every time i exit the crafting hall :rage:

You can cry all you want about it, but the fact is: most players are casual and don’t do Mythic + or raid. h ttps:// About 11% of players are doing that content. Not even a plurality, frankly.

Most players are casual and do solo or non-end game content. This is where the money is. Blizzard is a large gaming corporation owned by Microsoft. Their whole goal is to make money. When content is popular, they make money because people play it. Casuals are the larger demographic who shell out, and so that’s who Blizzard is chasing.

Dunno what you want me to do about it.

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My doomerism is the game will continue on regardless. Lot of us love it.

Though I do question the direction. Who is the game marketing towards? Delves gave single players (And non-M+ players) something to do. M+ was made harder. Mythic raiding is still a thing. PvP is a joke (Question mark?). Hero Talents were helpful but to what degree.

I guess it’s marketed towards everyone? Can the game sustain itself on dev time alone by appeasing everyone? Isn’t it already on life support given the content of TWW, let alone the state of Siren Isle?

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