It's the end of the season

Stop demanding 3k io for your keys, just to have me show up and boost you like you’re a toddler playing a paid for account



If you were as good as you think you are, you wouldn’t need to fill a group with people who are going to carry you, just to proceed to brick it because you can’t fathom simple mechanics

With how elitist the m+ community is, it’s a wonder there’s any failed keys at all

Yet here we are


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Io score was so inflated last season and anyone who wanted to could get carried to 3k Io score through pugging.

Some guy gets an ego because season 2 could barely get ksm is suddenly pushing beyond 20s

I think we’re going to see a similar situation this season of 3k score being obtainable for anyone

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Aww man, don’t say that. I got 3k season 3 for the first time and I felt like it was much harder than any other season. I quit at like 2800-2900 season 1 and 2. Maybe it felt difficult because I was a healer? Or maybe I am just tired and old lol.

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I’m sorry to say but yeah season 3 might have been one of the easiest seasons ever.

There was definitely some tougher tyrannical bosses to heal though such as archmage sol and chronolord deios.

Lots of people found they are suddenly pushing way higher than they could before. And it’s not because they just suddenly got way better

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if the key is bricked wouldn’t that mean you were, in fact, not boosting anyone?

I came back with 5 weeks left in S3 and pretty casually got <2800io. It was probably about as easy as 2k io S1 and S2

Mythic plus elitism is as dumb as rated PVP which is saying a lot.

The threshold is all over the place, the line is never the same for different people and metrics are praised as they are completely scorned. It’s exactly why in the same breath people will mock how easy 2.7k is easy to get and forget that the majority of people will never reach that high regardless if it was “easy” or “hard”.


Maybe easiest season but still hard for me to push over and past 3k. I get what you are saying but those last steps were rough to pug-at least for me.