It's that time of the year again..Trial of Style

Tomorrow is Trial of Style week…which happens twice per year…

Why? Because Devs don’t see the value on transmog as part of the game even when Community Managers do a transmog monday: “Mogmonday”

Community Council and Forums in general had provided feedback about this event rotation and issues for years…Council post from Feb 2022:

most recent one…

Since, it’s tomorrow some content creators posted on X :rofl: about changes needed:

Devs should promote transmog in a better rotation like Darkmoon faire or creating a new mini event with a monthly / bi-weekly frequency


ToS is rigged

  1. Don’t allow people to queue up in groups for trial of style.
  2. Open up trial of style to be active all the time, but the free transmog only applies within the competition itself and transmog reverts to your original appearance after the competition is over.
  3. Allow tokens to be purchased which can be used to unlock a targeted transmog appearance within the collections tab.

to the people that come into ToS as a group just to win, this is about as lame as you can get in this game, of all the places to try and get an unfair advantage is truly sad.


Ah…the week I turn all my toons female to improve my odds of winning.


The ToS event is basically the halloween party from Mean Girls, whoever can dress the most provocative wins (regardless of theme).

But…I do like ToS week, simply because free mogging! My lowbies don’t have to be sent gold to dress up, =D


Why are you getting worked up about not winning? You’ll eventually get enough tokens just by playing.

And, yes, free mogging is great! (BTW, are we getting anything new to buy this time?)


I don’t know, I usually win at least one or two when I’m farming currency…and I’m a mechagnome. Maybe they are just bad a mogging.

I didn’t see anything new in wowhead, I hope there’s a new reward for an event that happens twice per year…that means like 2 patches between events.

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Bummer, no new things to buy. When I use most of my usual outfits (that I’m happy to run around in for weeks at a time) I see outrageous, tackiness winning. I’m satisfied with what I build, and that’s what matters to me.

I did start marking out favorite weapons, shields, and off hands to do a little of that. Alli themed sword and board as horde didn’t win Faction Pride, but it was supremely fun!

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If this was true, there wouldn’t be transmog in this game, period.

Are there any new rewards this time around from the last one? Or were there any posts about it?

Girlfriend and I spammed it to get every one of the appearances on the vendors back in March for all armor classes, we’re wondering if there is reason for spam this time around


There are some trading post achievements, but nothing new to buy.

Someone will say:

Just make your own group!

Just make your own group Orctang. See I make wishes happen. You’re welcome.

It’s not always rigged. Ingot first place as a tauren once last time around. When an elf isn’t the one in first place that means the group really was voting

I enjoy trial of style, but haven’t done it for a while. I noticed a couple of new sets that i don’t have, so will be competing - fair warning to the competition.

I like the free the free mogs, but recently mogged all my toons. Had been only wearing drops and BOE with no mogs up until a few weeks ago.

I mogged a few toons for the recent auction dance.

Yeah this post isn’t only about that issue, I think the rotation its a bigger problem…It’s the only transmog focus event and it happens only 2 times per year…IMO those groups doing a premade for votes are also a symptom of the low frequency of the event.

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I vote for what i like the most, and sometimes they are tacky. I also like creative combinations as opposed to standard sets. So i image many others vote differently - for an outfit that actually matches.

Oh I totally agree. Transmog is part of my end game. I don’t understand why they give it so little attention when so many of cite it as one of our main things we do.

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I knew someone would come in here and just say make your own group!