It's That Time (is money friend): Goblin -or- Gnomish Engineering

Hey everyone,

I am hoping to make a more solid decision before I head home from work today, and I need your input! I have a few questions where the answers online seem to be conflicting with each other.

  • Can you retrain the Gnomish/Goblin part of the profession, or do you have to drop Engineering entirely?
    -If yes above, I won’t be doing that for a while.

  • So then, should I go Gnomish or Goblin? Why?

I think I’m leaning towards Gnomish because I’m a Rogue. The attack speed buff from the pet is great, and Death ray is great too in PvP. I’ll be PvE’ing quite a bit, however I love PvP a lot as well.

Then I continue to think further and begin to lean towards Goblin for those Sapper Charges. It’s fantastic damage. I think late into Classic’s life, I won’t be using the the death ray as much as I’ll have better trinkets.

Help? Thanks everyone!

Goblin rocket boots are better than the gnomish ones.

Gnomish has 30 minute cooldown, doesn’t break, Goblin has 5 minute cooldown, can break.

Do they go faster than one another? I remember they didn’t.

(ps thanks for the reply!)

Gnomish is regarded as a PvE styled track and Goblin is usually more PvP gadgets.

I would think whatever you pick, you’d be happy with as long as you have the intentions of knowing what you’ll get out of it.

Not sure if I’m remembering correctly but I think the sappers were BOE so even if you went gnomish you could use them, you just can’t make them.

You’re right, they are BOE.


The list I see that’s BOP for Goblin isn’t nearly as good as Gnomish. I guess it’s coming to a convenient factor if I am Goblin to make the Sappers.

Edit; I guess I came to the conclusion to get Gnomish. Something I read intrigued me about the Battle chicken. It can detect stealth. Not sure if that’s a private server bug, or intended, but worth finding out.

I’ll revisit this in the future and let you guys know.

Im just gonna get death ray and net. then retrain as goblin. I hve plenty of mats so shouldnt be bad

In Vanilla, you had to drop engineering entirely to retrain if you wanted to switch specialization. I believe switching specialization for engineering was introduced in a later expansion.

Thank you for clarifying, it’s good to read that here.

Other forums have a mix of this and otherwise.

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