It's Testosterone Tuesday

I identify as a tree.

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I ate chicken which was fried in the hottest of oils gathered from the pit of Ragnaros


Supposedly the men in ancient/pre-industrial times had like 900-1100 ng/dL average testosterone levels, even “old” men like ages 55-60 (somehow) still had high test - and obviously none of them had access to hi-tech supplements, steroids, or TRT

Meanwhile, in modern times we’re told that 300 ng/dL is considered “normal” :clown_face:

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I went for an eleven mile walk and nearly died on the roadside outside of town before some old guy offered me a ride in his truck. Then we talked jovially about some random stuff – farming, the synchronisity of road naming conventions, what once stood where urban blight now reigned, and so on.
Delightful guy. Never met him before in my life.


Wow, the level of misinformation is impressive.

"In fact, most of what we know about abnormally high testosterone levels in men comes from athletes who use anabolic steroids, testosterone or related hormones to increase muscle mass and athletic performance.

"Problems associated with abnormally high testosterone levels in men include:

"Low sper... [seriously, this is a forbidden word?] counts, shrinking of the testi... [sigh, word list] and impotence (seems odd, doesn't it?)
Heart muscle damage and increased risk of heart attack
Prostate enlargement with difficulty urinating
Liver disease
Fluid retention with swelling of the legs and feet
Weight gain, perhaps related in part to increased appetite
High blood pressure and cholesterol
Increased muscle mass
Increased risk of blood clots
Stunted growth in adolescents
Uncharacteristically aggressive behavior (although not well studied or clearly proven)
Mood swings, euphoria, irritability, impaired judgment, delusions"

In short, these are generally not traits of someone who is going to be successful in modern society and for current economic prosperity. I would suggest that the very, very gradual lowering of testosterone is probably due to selectivity on the part of mates as well as diets and physical activity levels that do not propagate high testosterone levels.

Probably, the main reason historical males “may” have had higher testosterone levels would be due to much harder lives and mostly because they simply didn’t live long enough to see significant drop offs.

Killed a spider with my bare hands last night, drove my stick shift car to work, wore my leather jacket today, threw out any soy products in my house, and then curled my 35 pound dumbells while watching an Arnold movie.

I ate at a Taco Tuesday at an all you can eat buffet and I used the same plate the whole time a never wiped my face with a napkin.

I am going to say though the aggression is not necessarily true for anyone on testo. It is a possibilty but not as common as most presume it to be…

Which I will say this as a personal note on it. I have been on it 2 years now and my aggression has actually reduced significantly.

Even when asked my Dr who specializes in it your example is correct, it’s uncommon at best.

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It really is funny how insecure men latch onto testosterone levels and performative masculinity to substitute for a personality and self-confidence.

Somehow, modern men are still having no issues over-populating the world.

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