It"s sunday post cringe!

The murlocs we see at the coasts of Azeroth are just displaced tribes from the great city of MRRRGGLAGLGLDLALALALALGGGA. There the great scholorglsglslgls record the happenings of azeroth, as they have done for eons.

Soon, they will summon their dark masters to wipe azeroth clean for all Mrggkind.



Cringe is when you wave at someone waving at you, only to realize they were waving at the person behind you.

wiggles toes

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I mean, kind of surprised they haven’t yet honestly

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when you forget it’s not 2006 and your not at gamestop anymore and you screem for the horde

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Cringe is being an adult that puts wiggles toes after every post on a video game forum

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Cringe is being snarky on a video game forum over a little rp gimmick.
wiggles toes

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Shadows Over Menethil by Howard P. Lurgl’krft

I do wish a few Alliance coastal towns had some odd looking, big eyed NPCs called Marsh, Zadock, Olmstead or the likes.


Hello my baby, hello my honey. Hello my ragtime gal! Send me a kiss by wire. Baby you set my heart on fire. If you refuse me, then you will lose me and you’ll be all alone. Oh telephone and tell me I’m your own.

wiggles toes

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