3s? P sure that bracket has received the most inflation, but it has poor participation. They’re doing you guys a solid by watching that bracket closely.
Battleground Blitz, actually My group arena rating this xpak so far is 0 lol
The facts on the field mean quite a lot. Two Duo’s of same-realm players ninja’ing basses at exactly the same time?
I’ve come to Solo Shuffle and now Blitz from RBGs. I love that sort of strategizing when I see it, but not when it’s only in the enemy team and my team and a bunch of NPC’s drooling about in the middle of the map
Of course you win some and lose some. But the streaks can really hack down an MMR pretty quickly.
There’s far more luck, maybe connection or even money – than skill involved in BGB atm.
uh i mean like blitz tho
No, blitz has the most participation. I’m not going to explain this for the 1000th time! Lol
ur highest 3s experience is 2300 and ur 3k in blitz i think that means the bracket is quite a bit inflated.
I will reply to this when they fix the mmr in season 2 and people are 800 rating lower
I wish it didn’t have inflation so I could just sit and guarantee my R1 like the sinful R1 glads
no reason to sit, that cut off is gonna go up 300-400 points over the last 2 weeks
Ye. I’m still playing. I got second place last night, so they are definitely still pumping mmr into the bracket. I’m positive I won’t be getting it tho because there are enh shamans much better than me. And this is a good thing tbh. Sinful should never be repeated where players got their R1 and good players didn’t because of an issue with the MMR system.
I should be passed up because I’m not one of the best enh shamans, period
that doesn’t always really matter
rendlol is a good example
there’s 400 warriors better than him but he finishes #1 in shuffle sometimes because he’s willing to just play 3000 games a day
if you prioritize the 5th string minigame as your endgame till the very end there’s a good chance u get it
the better players likely won’t prioritize blitz in a close race when arena exists
EU Blitz top of ladder being 3700 is insane. I assume it’ll be the highest CR we’ve ever seen in game’s history by end of season, maybe even 4k at R1 lad
Yeah, idk, can’t say I care that much about it. It’s just fun to play the game and I don’t really care enough to make an alt shaman so my main can sit because I’m really not that much of a sweat lord.
i think most people feel that way yea
that’s why it’s the least competitive i’ve ever seen a bracket be
i think the majority of the top 10 players have check pvps that look like yours
Noice! A thread about why the game is dead turned into one of these.
Ok… let’s see. I make 7 figures a year. my hog is 15 inches long… and my warm up lat raises are more than all of your max squats.
Noice! A thread about why the game is dead turned into one of these.
Well there is about 14 “why the game is dead” posts a day so yeah they tend to go off the rails
if you prioritize the 5th string minigame as your endgame till the very end there’s a good chance u get it
the better players likely won’t prioritize blitz in a close race when arena exists
Would love to see what the blitz ladder would end at if it closed 1 week after arena
i think the majority of the top 10 players have check pvps that look like yours
Ye, like this guy is #1 for his spec. Nobody plays because it takes 200 games to get rating and match quality is quite low.
Unique pvp sets like it was in vanilla will greatly increase participation. No more recolors!!
stop making ugly elite sets like the pally one and then pvp will be active again.
The paladin one is bad for this season but many others are good. The illusion is good too, PvP illusions have been nice since DF.
For me the problem with PvP now is that with classes being designed for M+ you simply have too many CCs and other stuff that was not in the game before and just makes everything worse.
all 3 specs of warlock are A++ if not S tier.
Affliction is very good but Destruction is still a hard casting spec. It’s fine in some lobbies and horrible in others. So that’s not right, BM and Fury are the free rating specs for this season.