Its really simple why game is dead

Again? That’s unfortunate but expected.

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Did SL have rating requirements for individual pieces of gear? I didn’t do much during SL/BFA, Navy kept me annoyingly busy. I only pushed 1800 in TBC to get my weapon for BGs lol.

Nah, there were just rating requirements on tiers of ilev upgrades.

The thing Nas said about being worse than 50% of the population is about the median, not the average. There is no data necessary here if we make some simplifying assumptions. The evolution of player rating over time is a dynamical system, and we’re making a claim about an equilibrium state of that system, because this is how you always reason about such things.

Assumption 1: Closed system with no new players entering the pool.

Claim 1: As #games played → inf, |MMR - CR| is bounded by some uniform fixed constant K.

This depends on the implementation of the rating system, but if it’s not true then the rating system is fundamentally broken

Claim 2: At the start of a season everyone has the same MMR
We know this already

Claim 3: When everyone has the same MMR, your probability of winning is equal to the fraction of the playerbase you are more skilled than.
This is trivially true if you make the simplifying assumption that assumes the more skilled player always wins. Introducing per game performance variance is beyond the scope of a post on the WoW arena forums. Similar assumptions are in the elo literature, see equation (3) here

Claim 4: At the start of the season, if you are better than exactly 50% of the playerbase and player skill stays fixed over time, then the expected value of your MMR in the infinite game limit is starting MMR.
In general the equilibrium dynamics of ELO-based systems are complicated. This is a consequence of Theorem 1 (vii) of Note that they center ratings around zero in this paper, but elo only cares about differences in rating, so the argument applies with any translated starting mmr.


Just gonna quote this for posterity in case you edit it. What’s 1800 * N_players / N_players?

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Hey Tumble. I think you are asking for total number of players and the number of those that get above 1800.

So at Suramte, Leaderboards, you can filter by rating:

With the rating set 0-3000, it shows 58396 players.

With the rating set 1800-3000 it shows: 11424 players.

11k/58k = 19% or so above 1800 for 3v3.

Pretty easy to do the rest.

Maybe that helps.

I didn’t read this too much. But I did check the xarchiv link and got a good chuckle out of the article.

Edit: If the rating is set to 1500, then approx 25k have that, so about average there…from those numbers and all.


That is basically what drustvar gives. But apparently that’s incorrect.

Hmmm maybe I should read more of this. Idk if I will though. Both of those pull from the API. idk what else can be done. Maybe some rain dancing?

Anything but that, we’ve had about a foot of rain the past month, I’m tired of mowing boss.

Yeah, so I was pretty much right. We’re going to take out the 10% or so who queue 1 game and never play again. Right around 1500 seems to be the real average. Who knows what the real median would be. It’s definitely not available to anyone here.

If only you can apply the same kind of logic to your own arguments.

That’s probably the number Blizz is shooting at too. idk, just a guess. But the numbers we have available seem to suggest it

Honestly, they could put the number any where: 1500, 27, 2,000,000, it don’t matter. They could convert it to colors and change colors based on a certain distance from that. Bronze, Silver, Gold, whatever…

But, yeah, from the numbers at Suramate, it looks like 1500 or so for midish.

That reads as, if you are below 1900 you are below the median. That’s just one of many with the same reasoning.

Edit: But that reasoning applies to all mmr levels. If my mmr is 1300 and I play at 50%, even after 1000 games, my mmr is going to be 1300. 1900 is the starting mmr not the median player mmr.

Nas is generally not as dumb as some other people on here, so I think it’s disingenuous to interpret that statement the way you are.

I can level 10 alts, play a few games of arena on them, and bring down the distribution you’re looking at if I want to.

1900 is the starting mmr not the median player mmr.

This is all complicated by inflation and players entering/leaving, so just making the simplest form of the argument: On day 0, everyone starts at 1500 MMR. Average MMR is 1500, just add the MMR of every player and divide by # players.

Pure elo-based MMR systems are zero sum, which means the quantity Sum(player MMRs) is ALWAYS FIXED as long as no one enters or leaves the system. So starting MMR is the average MMR in a closed system with no inflation, because both the numerator and denominator of the average are the same after every single game. Just look at section 1.1 here if you don’t believe me

Now add in inflation, which has the effect of increasing the average MMR each week.


I said that because you inferred only god himself could bench 405, which obviously isn’t the case.

There’s plenty of people at that weight that can squat far more.

My point was in response to this donkey statement. I’m not one to hate on people lifting but you used it to brag. If it was actually impressive I would’ve kept scrolling but it’s quite the opposite.

and it takes forever to punish you. im 9-20 on a full green character and still over 1800 mmr. the game literally won’t let you not get the “elite” set if you just play


You’re a multi glad. Why would you use yourself as an example? We’re talking about average players, which you are not.

cause 9-20 is really bad no matter wat someone’s exp is haha

Let’s say this is true and you did go 9-20. You could win a bunch of games in a row with a couple losses in high mmr lobbies and then go on a bad losing streak to 1900.

I think most of you fail to understand how MMR is gained and lost based on who you are against, with consideration to your own MMR.

Like, none of this is rocket science.

Every thread devolving into the same thing


I’m agreeing with Amatox here folks.

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