As opposed to Blitz where it’s the same 10+ people every game
Hardly, they is alot of people up there. Because is so easy remember?
How could you when you’ve been playing at starter Mmr for a decade
There’s definitely more unique players.
But we talking about blitz. CR still low but hinter is at 3kmmr and sham and lock are at 2.4kmmr.
I can just picture your keyboard, greasy keys and full of crumbs.
Are we projecting again
You and everybody else
I’m just saying if he’s unqualified to talk about something maybe someone who plays bm hunter at 1600 isn’t quite qualified either?
True, Kennie plays at low MMR where queues are 1min. At higher MMRs the queues are much longer.
Hmm? I had 30 second queues are like 2900-3100 last night. Unless you mean 3s, but I imagine not after the traumatic thing that happened in draconic.
3s seem fine qs are instant and number only goes up
Yeah, but maybe he doesn’t know because he gave up.
I’m a RBGer now
Yeah, just like everybody was a shuffler back in Crimson.
Just had a fem worgen in a 2800 game with adapt following me around as a prot war pressing aimed shot on me for almost 10 minutes
Then another higher game where two warrs just sat there and smacked my shield for the whole game while their map burned down
Think I had him on my alt in a 2600ish game last night
Was keeping my eye on his base because 1400 cr hunter
Easy pickings
Retail is dead go play hardcore plus
250 hours in die to disconnect/bug nty seems like a streamer fanboy containment mode
Mean to quote the sham?
Low hanging fruit. Saw that one coming