As has been repeated here: Easier faster rewards will not keep people playing.
The elitist who are trying to gatekeep everything are killing the game. Everyone else is playing shuffle and BGB lol. So much for the one and done crap when many of those elitist donât queue until the last week of the season and ordinary players queue up all the time. And when they see some guy with thousands of shuffles at 1800 those elitist laugh at them.
Elitist are the last people that should be listened to about anything.
Nothing wrong with playing 8000 games at 2200 then rerolling evoker aug to barely get elite (in shuffle).
3s is dead and itâs your fault.
Glad we can finally sit 40 minute queues for low quality matches full of people that others wonât consent to play with otherwise.
I got 10min queues last time at the highest of ratings. I can only guess how quick they are in the lower brackets. Queue up tonight and then let me know. You might be lying tho(as youâre known to do), so Iâll just lvl an alt and test it.
If youâre still losing points at 3k cr then it wasnât a high rated game.
I agree that BGB and Solo Shuffle have their own unique mount after 50 wins at elite lvl like with 3v3, maybe a recoloring of the glad mount etcâŠ, that would certainty incentivize people to queue more then they already do. Venruki has touched on this topic quite a lot lately aswell. Another thing is finding partners for 3v3 has always been very difficult unless you have had the same partners for years. Usually it seem that if you do manage to get a group together and you donât see much success within your first queue session you all part ways to find yet again new partners in LFG, but it takes synergy to queue 3s and synergy takes time, but I digress, feels like the online dating market where everyone is trying to max out hypergamy discarding whoever becomes less useful after certain rating thresholds instead of remaining a team, thanks for reading, hehe
I fully agree. The kind of gamer that wants freebie handouts is not going to stick around for any meaningful time they bounce game to game with streamers.
99.99% of WoW content is completely trivial.
I donât understand the sentiment of put old glad mounts on the trading post! Type people the only reason they want that mount is how rare it is, does anybody use their trading post mounts that 90% of accounts have?
Idk classic wow is boomin and one of the nostalgia things was omg that guy has a full raid set dudes dudes come look.
I also hate the buzzwords that doesnât make me an elitist and Iâm not gatekeeping anyone. Iâd love WoW to be popping off but I donât think giving everyone who plays 10 games cata and mop sets is anything more than a very very small bandaid.
Good class tuning and faster seasons seems like a much better start
Your post is just trying to fix symptoms. Asking them to produce additional xmog sets, mounts, and weapon illusions every 10 weeks instead of 5 months is not going to happen and is still just covering up the real issue:
Why is there a deadzone mid season?
^ this is what they should be focused on fixing.
Seasons are 5-6 months long haha.
It happened in legion.
They donât need new logs every season just every raid tier.
New mogâ-> recolorââ>new mog
No, why do people not queue until the very end of the season?
Most people collect all their free rewards from the first 2 months of the season playing blitz and then quit.
End of season Andys are the minority
This makes no sense with what you posted:
Also, you have no idea what is the minority or majority.
You are playing where the top 1% of players are playing. I donât think you have perspective tbh.
Seasons are too long and/or inflation is too backloaded so everybody delays playing which further compounds the issue. Just do two seasons per raid/keystone tier.
How is somebody who has played through every basically bracket lacks perspective
Also idk what that even has to do with anything
I prefer eternally long seasons. I get tired of grinding conquest and doing BiS junk. I like having a life.
Yeah season participation is usually frontloaded. ESPECIALLY this season.
Try thinking about it again.
I actually have more perspective than you since I have played through every mmr bracket. Delusional take.
Actually this.
Ehhhh. Everybody being bumped to press queue for a month and getting nothing for it then afking for 3-4 months before playing again kind of stinks. Having consolidated interest is cool and why they probably on put plunderstorm out for a few weeks.
People are playing tho. Theyâre just playing the solo queue brackets. I know because I play them and my queues are relatively short.