It's Really Getting Out of Hand Achievement

Is there a reason why people aren’t phased for this specific world quest? Trying to complete this on a high population server is actual Hell due to how much intentional/unintentional griefing other players can do.

Got my adds stolen by someone that swooped in a few times after starting. The freshly killed adds also do not respawn unless other adds are killed. Considering a lot of people are after this achievement it’s quite annoying.


it maybe me, but I am noticing that the level difference at 80 is not allowing for as much proximity aggro as I see in the videos. I am struggling to get enough mobs together that don’t snap back AND I can get the cast off.


Yes that is what happens. if you are level 80 your aggro range is practically right on top of the mobs.


I managed to get the achievement the day I posted this thread. I logged on to my level 62 warlock, and I was able to aggro all of the mobs I needed before killing them.

It is indeed super buggy to try, and do it on a lvl 80 ON TOP of the possibility of getting griefed by other players.

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110%. Doing it is easy, fighting everyone else makes it toxic.


Since the WQ is up again, I just wanted to add to the frustration. Some people are trying to gather mobs up and complete it for each person, yet this doesnt work well in practice as any passerby can just take all the mobs you gathered up for other members of your “pay it forward” group.

This achievement should be removed or changed to 1 minute due to the competition for this achievement.

Formed a raid, raid pulled to a spot, one at a time people dropped and completed their achievement, worked well for 15-20 mins but as more came a long it became messier. Think we managed 30ish achievements that way, in the last 5 mins or so I only saw 1 person get it. My advice, coordinate with chat and try to be civil.

Group with other people (either with a raid group or just talking to them),round them up and help people. They repeat for you. This is what i did, it wasn’t a big deal.

I also suggest warmode, generally less people around.

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I got it done with such a group and helped some others before/after. Don’t get me wrong, certainly possible, and honestly great to see people working together, it is just one of a few annoying WQ required achievements for an old achievement given a new reward.

Found a few people in a shard that were grouping them for each other without beibg in a group and got mine done on my druid. Currently parked on my monk with Dave holding them still for folks to get it done. Quite a few have joined in and started pulling groups to the statues. Pay it forward guys :dracthyr_heart:

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My problem is I tried it on my ally warrior and failed because some of them reset. I then logged onto some of my other characters and the world quest isn’t there anymore.
Does it appear for alliance and horde on different days? Or can you really only attempt the world quest once on your account. I don’t understand. I have 5 horde characters that are fully progressed through BFA. Why Can’t I try this again on an alt? What gives?

Alliance and Horde have different world quests. The world quest can be done on other characters though.

This is a good point.

The meta quest is account wide, so pick any character that has access to the quest and a realistic chance of achieving it.

I finally was able to get the achievement using my level 79 alliance alt. I asked for help from someone where he taunted 3 groups then I casted my scroll and pressed 2. I then moved to 4th group and finished them off. I tried to solo the quest and was unable to cast the scroll at level 79 alt (not sure what it’s like at level 80 now if changes where made). GL folks.

Quest is up for Alliance again.

Tried on brewm, failed. Guess I’ll try on more alts and see if I luck out.

I appreciate them going back and adding meta-achievements to previous expansions. I don’t appreciate having to keep an eye on a World Quest from 6 years ago with a very unreliable cycle. Right now I’m waiting on Blossoming Delights or whatever it’s called in Hollowfall to pop, but at least I can keep checking on it every week because it’s current content.


I don’t mind this on it’s own. However, this one sucks because it doesn’t create its own little instance (like Apocolypse does) for you to try and do it and it seems to be harder to do at max level because you don’t proximity aggro the mobs up well enough to complete the achievement. Therefore, the timing sucks more.

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This achievement can be done during the normal zone quest also. I got sick of waiting for it so I just did the Nazmir intro quest and followed it till I got the Hand of Fate quest and got me the achievement.