It's over. It's done

Just got Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest on my Warlock

Walking out of Firelands the last time like Frodo from Lord of the Rings leaving Mount Doom

Just sucks because now not only am I a healer main but come Dragonflight I’ll be maining Preservation Evoker who can’t even Transmog the thing let alone get it going off Beta


Congratulations! :grinning:

Yeeeaah… this is quite the choice on Blizzard’s part. A new race without mogging… /smh


I had the same feeling a few days ago when my warlock hit exalted with Death’s Advance.

Finally I have all four Korthia covenant tmog sets.

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Congrats, and btw in case you didn’t know. You can switch to dragon form using the staff, then equip your real weapon and you’ll stay in that form. Takes a bit longer to mount up this way, but…it’s worth it.

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