It's official! Weapons can sheathe on back or hip! YAY

Now let’s implement this on ALL weapons, please! :smiley:

Well, maybe not staves and polearms! But still!


It’s fantastic seeing the developers implementing new features based on community feedback. Having multiple sheathing locations is fantastic!

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That just cost us a raid tier. :sob:


I think attaching this feature to an on-use effect would be really clunky, if they were going to do it for all other weapons. A setting would be nice!

Edit: Btw, I can’t believe I’m agreeing with OP so much.


Heck I’d sacrifice a raid tier if it got us more customization like Blizz promised


How cool! These flavor additions are great way to let us customize our toons. Would dig the ability to do more things like this (even using 1H/shield in left or right hand, though that would be a bigger undertaking…)

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Should work for every single weapon in the game, not “special on use” effect for literally single blade. So dumb, so blizzard.

It’s not like they need to do any work, monks already do that


I’m not always bad. :kissing_heart:


/cries in having to use two-handed swords

Now lets get some weapon-twirling animations like with the knife skins in CS:GO.

Swords, polearms, daggers are really sharp and pointy gotta make sure you don’t kill anyone just by walking by or backing up. Might wack someone in the head while you turn aroud or pass by with your staff with out knowing.

I want to hold my staff like a monk please. thank you.

looks at bow


Sorry for the necro, but I wanted to clear up why this weapon is this way. This item pays homage to a sword from naxx. There was one sword in naxx 40, and another one with an identical model in wotlk. One of these swords sheathed on your back, and the other went to your hip. So when they brought back this model for a third time, they added the special effect.

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