Its not the people making WoW, its you

Aside from SoD ofcourse; Cataclysm, WoTLK, etc etc etc.

All the information is farmed into the ground; and everyone is buying gold and taking out the journey from the ending of what their character should be.

If you trivalize the journey; ie - megaservers with no risk of really encountering the other player in the open field 95% of play time, consistantly try to be on the level of a top 10 guild expectations of every raid (I promise, you arent that good to do it), and dumped over 100 hours of playtime already. Then, sorry to say its you. All the old content that youve already done isnt going to revive your desire to do that content over and over and over again like you did in the past, because by the time you get a few runs in, you already remember doing that same content over and over again.

Now there are players that just enjoy doing Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK over and over (dont fool yourselves, the only real classic is vanilla; because vanilla was made by players that wanted to play a game using a dice roll rng style system that did what?.. Create Player Tension, and drama situations in the game.)

The more you take out player tension and drama situations in the game the more the game just becomes meh.


Bro i just wanna pvp, i don’t need some “gearing up my character” journey.


Ok, but that being said, yes, you are correct in what you say, in regards to the PvE Lords. They are the same people that can’t stay interested in a game unless it has content patches every month.

Which is a huge benefit of PvP. The “content patch” is the fact that no two matches go the same way. No literal patch needed. (Except for, hopefully, balance patches, but even those aren’t really necessary.)


WoW was better when people treated it like a game, and not a job.


I want to go back to those days.

Question, because i dont play other games these days, is this an overall gaming community thing, or just WoW specifically? Just curious.

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What a stupid thread.

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I’ll admit you’re right. The only classic will always be Vanilla because it was a game. Now it’s gear, gear, gear and buy gold gold gold. Alot of people no longer respect the game enough to enjoy it as to them it’s a job. Plain and simple. No it’s not a stupid thread. It’s a spot on thread.

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Its a wow thing, imo.

Other games have other hooks to get their players.

Games like eve. I stop in there from time to time.

about a year ago I went back after 5-ish years away.

And…I undocked in the same ship I logged off in 5 years ago. and it was still working and still good.

they don’t release new gear/ships to make the older stuff, well, old 2 to 3 times a year.

You find other things to do besides chase the new “BIS” item. eve doesn’t even do BIS. If you ask what is best, you will be told it varies. Alot. some bis could even be what wow has as white/grey gear.

he’s not wrong.

sterile PvE is sterile.

loot drama was fun.

The WoW specific things are of course Wow-specific, but the trend to be on top, to treat it like a job and to not want to wait for anything - these are imho general gaming trends.

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Not sure what you’re on about, but I really have been enjoying all of Classic so far, including cata.

And I love min maxing my gear, in this R P G :slight_smile:

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ĂŽ still do and I feel like I m standing out like a pink feathered fish in stillettos

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Okay boomers.

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Been waiting for this post. This is exactly whats happening