It's not that the servers are unbalanced

your’re are special one,… read again…nvm … i’ll say it slower this time…
plagueland… is…full…of…3-5man…Alliance…death … squads

Now you will notice Squads has a “S” at the end we call that plural

A plural is a noun word that indicates that there is more than one

Ignoring the irony in this post specifically, I have to ask; why are you flaming someone on your side of the argument? You’re both coming to the conclusion that servers don’t have a population imbalance…

@Mezrine is a troll, don’t feed the troll

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this guy is doing nothing but trolling, and everyone is biting

Not sure why you feel the need to belittle someone that thinks differently than you on such a remedial topic.

That aside, it doesn’t matter if you pluralize a 3-5 man group into groups or not. Round up 40 people and drop into the zone. You’ll easily wipe those group s.

The point stands. If there’s 3000 active 60s on a server, and EPL has even 5 groups of 3-5 players running around ganking, then the underpopulated faction can round up a measly 40 people to roll in and wipe them out.

Yes there’s obviously faction imbalances in Classic. No ones debating that. What is being debated, is that just because your faction is outnumbered by the opposing faction, you can still fight and overtake zones IF your faction wants to pvp. The root problem is 1 faction shows up to pvp and the other does not.

Then dont play on a PvP server…

you have options…

Re-roll on pve server
get gud
back to retail

It will be excuse after excuse. AFKers, BOTs, gear, racials, BG design, addons, you name it

Using words like “correlation” and “splendid” do not make you intelligent. You understand that I hope? Because you sound like an idiot right now.

There are some server balance problems where places like BRD are camped heavily by a single faction.

I think the transfers may have contributed, but I haven’t seen any real evidence posted.

It may just be that some factions on some servers don’t have any mega-guilds helping to keep things balanced.

But I’m glad the OP is on a server where participation is balanced even if numbers aren’t.

don’t worry.

your opinion has no impact to your position on my graph.

I don’t have a problem being on a pvp server with world pvp, but I can’t possibly see how it’s fun for the horde on my server to sit at epl or brm literally all day long killing honorless targets that land off their flight or individual players trying to zone into BRD/UBRS. If sniping a couple points of honor before BGs come out is really that important to you then you need to rethink your life.

Niether does yours. And mine says …you are an idiot.

Can confirm Kromcrush is a mess.

The alliance have mostly written off world pvp.

Leveling is done in instances at peak times, or really any time after 2 pm eastern.

BRD corpse runs easily take 30 minutes + as the horde line up in a row across the entire zone, north south east and west, any time that isn’t in the morning.

If you kill a horde, you generally have to immediately leave the area, because much like wasps there is a good chance they’ll summon 5 more to kill you.

Flight point and graveyard camps are bad enough to be borderline harassment in some cases; you land, immediately die then spirit Rez in a camped graveyard… Where you die.

But sure, keep telling me about the 5 man alliance squads in EPL that give you trouble.

Try having to literally write off the entire non instanced server every day and we’ll talk.


I play horde and wouldn’t roll on kromcrush. Anyone can download census and run one right now! Easy peazy. After launch that server was a 65:35 trashcan, i ran many census during prime time. No way its gotten better, would’ve taken a miracle.

I’m sorry, but when you kill someone in WPvP and immediately spam “Go to retail” that is definitely a troll comment.

When someone comes to the forums and you reply with “go to retail” then sure, it’s not a troll comment. It’s certainly not helpful, but it’s not a troll.

In game on the other hand… yeah, it is…

you never once gave a dead hordie the ol’ ‘tea bag one-two’?


Never said I didn’t. What I was saying is this guy said “saying this isn’t trolling” which given certain context (which appear regularly) it is.


it’s not trolling, it’s adding insult to injury.

That’s like saying if I lay the smack down on some poor unsuspecting player and then /mourn I’m ‘trolling’


People do this in game? Like they circumvent the language barrier?

Huge. “You Lose” is a classic one from way back