It's not that the servers are unbalanced

the speed at which someone start QQ’ing about my avatar directly correlate with how moronic his arguments are

and you sir, does not disappoint!

The only difference between a ballanced and an unballanced pvp server is the avalibility of reinforcements. Instead of sitting in Ironforge all day, you need to find a low level contested zone and camp out there. The biggest thing causing the massive faction gap is the leveling experience. On my old alliance character i cant count the times Horde have camped questing locations and towns for hours killing lowbies UNCONTESTED. Ask in LFG channels or general and you get crickets. /who ironfoge 60 and you will see atleast 30 wasting space and time, probobly on their mount infront of the bank AFK. Instead they need to be roaming low lvl contested zones defending the lowbies. What do you think someone new to the server is going to do when they cant even pick up quests? Reroll.


you poor thing, I’m actually beginning to feel sorry for you…

Here I will help you again…

When someone asks for you to post on your main it’s not a QQ ,.it’s them wanting to speak your main character and to see if you actually play classic.

It’s a valid request…


It absolutely does because it helps validate your experience and knowledge of the actual argument. If you have never played classic your argument is invalid because you have never experienced it.

Pretty simple logic. But you dont use that do you?


There is a “fair” option that people seem to reject. Normal realms offer exactly this.

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Anyways back to the original topic,.

pvp is happening on my pvp server and I’m loving it!


Same Op, phase 2 has been a blast so far and I’m loving every minute of it.

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Yep, its all about player mentality.
It’s more or less the same situation on my server, a lot of horde dont want to work together. Its so bad that they were fighting over tagging a world boss and ally came in and wiped em and grabbed it for themselves.

I’m leveling on Kromcrush and I can confirm there is danger everywhere I go. My characters are in the high 30s and it’s mostly gankers, but yeah. Got ganked in Arathi, Hillsbrad, Alterac, and this one time running from the raceway to get the Gadgetzan fp I had a druid chase down my mage relentlessly.

When it comes to an actual fair level appropriate fight, those only happen when I start them. But that was always the way since vanilla.

How would I know you in RL?

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Buh buh buh

horde man bad

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Zug Zug…

Same on my server. Incendius is 55/45 in favor of the Horde, but zones like Winterspring and Felwood are dominated by the Alliance. If Hordies land in Everlook, they can expect to die within a few seconds and get camped until every last drop of honor has been squeezed out of them.

This is my main :frowning:

-Undead Rogue.

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are.

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Same. I’ve been rofl stomped. Rolled around kicked in the teeth. So far its been fun. I like the danger that is present when I leave the city. OR the danger present in underpopulated ((Aka no guards.)) areas of the city. Been good times :D. I do thank alliance for that so much fun to be had ^_^.

I’m on Kromcrush, It would be great if I could get to BRM from SG in only 15 to 20 min. This is the game now and on this server the Horde made it even more Cut throat.

I would help Horde do quest and only attack them if they attacked me. But they would turn around and kill me if I got low mana or health. They were always looking for an easy kill even before honor was a thing. Now I murder them all on sight. It’s always 2v1 or 5v1. Death is what happens. You just hope to kill one or two before you go down.

Their are many quests that we will not do as Alliance. It’s something we accept. BIS for many classes will never happen. We have 20 horde at IF gates most the time. Raids of 10 or so randomly killing in citys most the time. Rogues 24/7 killing people and most FP are camped 24/7.

You’re on the winning side with a much higher Population. It’s not 60/40. It’s 33/66 up to 13/87 Depending the time of day and zones.

Oh and our boats are all camped 24/7. We all pay for ports to cities or move as a raid on a boat.

You Horde are scum, and I have never had such hate for people in my life. You are the kind of people that will steal from your Grandmother and put her in an early grave for her money.

All the Horde I have met in real life: Live at home, Have no wife, and/or have no real career.

I mean… I guess this game is all the Horde have though so coming around: Robbing your grandmother is the only way you may get ahead in life.


All the Horde I have met in real life: Live at home, Have no wife, and/or have no real career.

I’m howling from laughter honestly. It’s 5am and I’ve been up all night killing mid 50’s on the menethil boats

Also, yes I live in a home, where do you live? The street?

I have my own house, rental property, and own a business. I go to bed for sleep and then take care of life. This is lunch break.

How’s your life?

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I don’t think anyone is complaining about pvp happening on a pvp server which horde always have a slight numbers advantage - let them have their crutch.

But once a realm gets 70:30 its only going to snowball from there until you are the only minority faction in high level zones it feels like.
You can’t expect people to always make groups to enter those zones to contest the sheer amount of solos from the majority faction. At that point that game content is just unavailable to that faction for solo play. This problem really only exists because servers are packed.