It's not pandering, it's called art

Satanic Panic’s back, folks… batten down…

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Oh it never left. There was a thing going around a few years ago claiming that Democrat elites drank baby blood in devil-worshipping rituals or something. The ex-wife bought it hook, line, and sinker. There’s a reason why she’s an ex…

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And I don’t have any reason to be less suspicious of Blizzard’s decision-making, especially when we know that they’re beholden to those forces. If it were really art for it’s own sake, they wouldn’t be censoring it in other markets. We know what matters to them.


Food is a universally accepted topic/object. Marriage and love and family…not everyone agrees with the same point of view or value.

To that point, their contract with NetEase has not been renewed so there won’t be a Chinese WoW version anymore.

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Unfortunately, the disagreement over the latter tends to quickly spill over to demonization and hate.

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You don’t have to agree with something to move on from it, Everyone has made their peace we understand your stance…
So now everyone should be able to move on but they cant

Very true.

Addendum: I think the only food related topic that has turned vitriolic is whether pineapple belongs on pizza or which is better, new york or chicago style.

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Oh yeah I saw that announcement recently

That’s a step in the right direction, but a deal is likely not dead forever. It really depends on why the contract was terminated and I believe it’s probably a lot more to do with a temporary hiccup in what the parties feel is fair to everyone involved, and not a more appropriate moral stance on things the Chinese are/have been doing.

This happens a lot. A contract is made, a contract is broken for a while. Bargaining parties come back to the table eventually. Nothing fixes bad business like good business, and it’s a matter of time before they find a deal that satisfies both.

Regardless, we still have Blizzard’s history of modifying its art for NetEase, so it really cuts against any claim they actually cared about it beyond how much revenue it can generate.

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Not really. Hence why people cannot agree on a simple food pyramid in 2022.

That doesn’t make it political.

Maybe, maybe not.

It’s worth mentioning that Blizzard never modified their clients. NetEase did that themselves. Blizzard technically allowed them to by leasing their content to them, true, but it’s either that or nobody in China gets to play the game. That’s not quite as black and white of a choice as you present it to be.

Magnificent work derailing fake Briselody thread

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That is true. Blizzard has shown that the moral stance is not always above profits.

But you can’t be mad at them because then you gotta be mad at every company who deals with China

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Everyone can agree Food as a whole is good, not the details, without food or water we die no one disputes that. Marriage, some people dont even acknowledge same sex partnerships as being the same thing. With laws defining what marriage is, it has to become political because a discussion is needed to even define what it is.

It’s not political just because the government is involved. It’s legal.

There are gay democrats. there are gay republicans.

Gay rights can be political. Simply being a sexuality is not. It’s just what people say to make an excuse for shutting it down. And if it needs to be agreed to work well guess what nothing in the game works, as no one agrees

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And unfortunately speaking of vitriol… hooray, I’ve now been told twice today, by the same person, I’m not a woman… that I’m self-harming, that I’m disordered, that I should be medicated to “normalcy”.

This is the hate I’ve been talking about for the past 9 days. Don’t worry, I’m not blaming you, it’s just… it’s been pervasive and frankly perverse.

We can hope. I don’t like that China presents a massive consumer base that makes the board of directors for these games salivate at the thought of install rates and MAUs.

And while that may be the case that NetEase is making that censorship after the fact, it’s entirely the case that if the juice weren’t worth the squeeze, they wouldn’t bother. If that relationship provides a substantial enough revenue, Blizzard could certainly present their art in a way that makes it easier to modify, not harder. Concessions like that are not unheard of. When I worked in a corporate environment, extra time, resources, and man power were dedicated to larger clients because of the nature of the relationship. We made relationships easier to continue, not harder.

Blizzard’s certainly not taking the stance that erasure of their LGBT characters in other markets is an unpardonable sin worth breaking the relationship over since they’d have severed that relationship a lot earlier if so.

I’m not condemning Blizzard for doing what they do. I’m just not settling with the claim that this is truly an endeavor for the arts.

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Thankfully, they don’t have to acknowledge it for it to exist. Collective reality vs. personal reality

You seem to have a misunderstanding of what the US law does for marriage. It refuses someone the rights to be seen as a married couple under the law. I was married to my wife through a union ceremony before we even bothered to get court documents printed. We just didn’t care about the legal aspect at first.

It does not have to be political. It can be a subject that exists within the confines of politics, as do drugs. But drugs are not innately political, nor is the union of one human and another.

My greatest mental struggle in life has been trying to comprehend how some individuals can be so linear to such a fault that they never expand their “box” of thought.

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At last report, I believe the Chinese market reflected just 3% of their revenue. They may well have decided that the bad press they got for dealing with them just isn’t worth that relatively small payout anymore.

Blizzard, as a corporation, does everything it does for profit. That’s its purpose. I’m not arguing that.

The people working within that system can absolutely make art though, and I’m of the opinion that representation of diversity in art is an inarguable positive. I find it positive enough that I don’t particularly care where the motivation comes from, just like I can appreciate the beauty of the Sistine Chapel without caring about the religious propaganda it was meant to promote.