Its not even noon and i ran out of beer

uh oh. how am i going to complete the island expedition weekly now?

Have your significant other pick some up? I mean that’s what I do. :beers:

It’s 4 expeditions… you really need beer for about 1/2 hour of IE’s? :roll_eyes:

People still do IE’s?

“Ran out of beer” hahhahah

Gin. The answer is always gin.

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Switch to scotch?

Rookie mistake, OP.

Always have enough beer.


Paraphrasing Illidan "He was not prepared"

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Ha, silly night elf runs out of ale. Always have a backup and backup to that backup!

It’s like amateur hour here.

Always…ALWAYS buy more beer than you can drink. Then you’ll not run out.

I’m sure the Dwarves and the Pandaren have plenty to spare!


You are doing it all wrong. Rent a room in the back of the liquor store for gaming!!!

Never run out!


i mean making a beer run is always better than island capping…

What if you managed to hit that sweet spot where you know you’re not good to drive but you also only have 1 more beer?

And they say the great depression was hard :roll_eyes:

Slo Gin :tropical_drink:

He forgot the word ‘Root’

just put on some pants and go buy some

Buy a home brewing Kit… and some beer to tide you over till you can make the beer yourself.

I don’t even think pants are required…isn’t the saying if the sign -
“No Shoes
No Shirt
No Service!”?
Got those two and you’re covered!!! :stuck_out_tongue: