It's not binary you know

This conflict is strikingly similar to how Marvel comics tried their hand at a sequel to one of their most beloved story arcs, Avengers: Civil War 2, and It was also much maligned and hated similarly to how Blizzard is pretty much making a sequel to the well recived MoP civil war arc.

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Dude, be grateful you don’t get essays about how much you don’t belong to the Horde because your avatar happens to be a thin long eared pinkish/purplish humanoid with green/violet eyes or a zombie. I won’t deny I’ve outright told people to faction change when they come out with brilliant arguments like “Forsaken and Belves aren’t truly Horde cause muh mudhut architecture so erase them from the plot or kick them out or both” (after more than a decade of membership I think it’s evident these races DO belong and people complaining have to move on and accept this membership is a fact and a core aspect of the Horde, period).

The Honorable Horde posters NEED to realize that their faction stopped being an exclusive club decades ago, and that Forsaken, Nightborne and Belves DO deserve their time to get development for their narrative. Does sometimes this impact negatively the other races? Sure. But then again, other races paid this price before en Cata - MoP when the Honorable Orc Horde screwed up with the morals of the faction… And sorry but I don’t agree with double standards (ideally we shouldn’t have to stand a second iteration of MoP’s villain batting; but it happened, and now the only thing we can expect is the less damages to the Horde identity. Erasing Forsaken participation as a bandaid will not solve the problem as WoD and the current War of Thorns plot didn’t solve the portrayal of Orcs as thirsty warmongers back then)… If we could take the bullet for the Orcs before we will have to take it for the zombies now.


Marvel’s Civil War

beloved storyline

pick one.


Why can’t I have both?

Every player’s hatred of the Horde is on a spectrum!

Hate all Horde and want them dead to Just Hate Sylv, or Just Hate Sour/Baine.


Cause recycled plots suck by default… In their haste to make them “different”, writers usually erase and/or change key factors that made the plots good/interesting in the first place.

@Really: can totally relate and 100% agree, I think I’ve been implied to be a dirty Sylvanas apologist like a dozen times just because I’m a very vocal Belf poster against the current iteration of Sadfang and Baine… And people, I despise the current iteration of all three of them.


Exactly what I was thinking!

I don’t get it, It was an good storyline.

But that’s what I mean. People liked the OG civil war storyline, but then they tried to make a shameless cash grab by reusing the same content, maybe changed a few characters, and it was essentially just the same thing with a few minor differences and it was garbage. It’s the definition of a regurgitated story arc. I’m making the comparison that BfA is the same thing. A regurgitated story arc but with a few different characters, that’s more about flash factor with little substance.

It sold a lot of comics and made marvel a lot of money, but a looooot of people hated it at the time.

Main reason being that it was criminally out of character for most of the heroes involved.

Especially Tony Stark.

What I hated about it most was that it blatantly ripped off about 20 years of X-Men themes and storylines and created a watered down nonsense version they didn’t even bother to include the X-Men in.

Were you a comic book fan at the time or did you read it later? I’m curious because it’s the kind of story that might have been better in hindsight.


hey you can like Civil War just fine, but the story in the comics is highly controversial for a myriad of reasons (Doesn’t help that at the same time the amazing Annihilation event was happening in the cosmic scene)


Oh yeah, i was definitely one of the later comic book fans.

Conversely, one can love the Baine is compassionate and that Saurfang is so honorable, and still advocate for going to war with the Alliance as Sylvanas wants.

I’ve said plenty of times that there are plenty of good grounds for members of the Horde to want to attack the Alliance, but whenever they come up it’s written to be a misunderstanding, a miscommunication, or someone was just criminally stupid (in the Horde and/or Alliance, stupidity isn’t bias to just one faction.)

I can love the principles that drive the characters and still lament the way those principles are being warped to serve the current storyline. The Horde is rife with characters right now who think and say one thing while doing another just to set them up for something actually important (I hope) to do in the story later in the expansion.


One of the big issues in civil war was while it was going on, many other events were happening that either outshined it, seemed more important, or both. The mutant population was heavily hit as it was right after M-Day, and a terrorist organization later tried to attack the school, Nextwave, a super-hero parody that was using lesser known characters, was going and waspretty popular, and finally the Annihilation event, which revitalized the marvel cosmic scene, featured a powerful inter-dimensional alien named Annihilas, who tried to wipe out all life in the universe, destroyed the nova corps and the empire they were protecting, and forced the skrulls and kree to work with the heroes to stop it.

All this was happening while the majority of earths super heroes were fighting amongst themselves.

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Yeah, I think that would definitely make a difference. A lot of the things that irritated fans at the time probably wouldn’t even be noticed by someone reading it long after.

This reminds me…

I remember ranting about Cap and friends being mysteriously absent when it was all about the various suggested Mutant Registration Acts, but the moment it happens to non-mutants suddenly it’s time for a hero on hero war.

The most obnoxious thing about it was that the Superhuman Registration Act really only affected people who chose to be heroes or show off their powers. The various mutant versions had the potential to harm every single mutant no matter how benign their mutation.

13 year old blonde with the power to turn your hair pink or purple with just a thought? Nice party trick! Get registered. Let’s hope this doesn’t turn into one of those timelines where you get hunted down by sentinels and/or tossed in a death camp for being a mutie.

…you can probably tell what my favorite corner of the marvel universe was…

Define “help the horde”.

And do remember this is Anduin we are talking about cause this is him acting on his own without advice from anyone except maybe Shaw, and that is assuming Anduin didn’t simply order Shaw to clear a path through the guards in Redridge.

Also Saurfang got a very clear idea that Anduin has to destroy Sylvanas to get back to peace, but Sylvanas has the horde and the zandalari standing between her and the Alliance/Kul Tirans. If Saurfang wants 'His horde" back like he said, then he has to get them out from between Sylvanas and the Alliance.

Imo it’ll likely be moot and Sylvanas will betray the Horde first. Her wielding Xal’atath, who will use us to awaken N’zoth, is not promising in terms of her future leadership possibilities.

My 2 predictions is either the rest of the Horde overthrows her when she starts messing with Old God stuff (particularly if she tries to ally with them) or she does directly abandon the Horde.

idk, Sylvanas has always been an independent character. If anything in that direction, then maybe she’ll try to use the power of the old gods to her own ends. Whatever they may be,…

Oh, I’m sure she’ll do something cartoonishly villainous, because that’s how Sylvanas is written these days.

But it would be a bit rich for us to judge her, seeing as we used the dagger for an entire expansion even when it was obviously up to no good, and we are going to be the agents who let N’Zoth out.


To be fair only shadow priests actually had that knife to begin with last x-pac. And what is the reason for doing the new questline? Isn’t it entirely optional?