Oh come on. You don’t seriously believe this do you?
Thanks Maizou for your effort, At this point it shouldn’t be only about this topic but the lack of response, discussion and communication from Devs, If anyone check CC forums, there’s not new post for days or even comments besides Steve Danuser lore thread on which I think the Narrative lead will just post that comment and don’t answer any question or start a conversation…Still waiting for the livechats…really dissapointed with CC mechanic and Dev response, if they were busy with patches and expansion this kind of feedback tool was a bad idea, it only shows the opposite.
It’s not possible for him. Either he gets eaten alive for letting his team deliver such a poor quality storyline or he has to answer for his desire to make Sylvanas this important.
It’s a no-win situation.
Vote with your wallet and quit.
Well, I mean about the comment of the 3 years without any massive event on Azeroth, there’s a lot of comments about that, the conversation could be focus about that single topic without mentioning the poor quality storyline from previous events or Sylvanas.
Blizzard does not care and this silence speaks louder then words ever could I have been reading some of the PR stunt forum posts and the ones that are important to many players have no blue posts.
They want us to go away and leave they want to kill a game before Microsoft takes over and cleans house it is called a scorched earth policy popular in WW2 when a certain man did it as his army retreated defeated.
Maybe this is a WOD 2.0 flying debacle and we players once again must stand united and say no more we have had enough.
We got communication but not on the Community council , Live chats or Forums, if you want to provide actual feedback go to Twitter:
I don’t get why Blizzard decided to create the community council to have more consolidated feedback but then decide to ask for it on Twitter to everyone…Also, we’ve a lot of feedback on these forums besides GD that’s not to serious with feedback but we got Lore, PvP , Achievements, Classes…etc forum sections.
I remember the last time I played LFR I hit random buttons with my index finger because I was browsing reddit. I killed a Final Boss like that.
LFR should have no rewards.
I quit Twitter 3 years ago, i wil never, ever got back to the crudhole ever again! It really is the sewage pit of the internet!
Translation: "I cheated in LFR because I’m too lazy to play my own character and I deserve a free carry.
I got away with this, and I intend to continue cheating my way through LFR and mooching on the people who are actually playing on all my alts.
Therefore LFR should have no rewards,"
Did all three on normal for the cat. None of the fights were explained. We just overgeared it and burned it down. It was easier than LFR.
Me too, the actual requirement could be easy for some players and it’s even easier that some LFR groups without coordination, however; the issue persist that we got an achievement with some text or typo during PTR, then Live and a lack of communication from Devs, even now the CC thread from Maizou is one of the biggest threads on that forum section and there’s not any reply.
If you check the twitter thread from Mike Ybarra, there’s a lot of players suggesting something for LFR/Casual content that was missing from S4 as a participation reward or even gear.
Overruled continue