It's more fun deleting Vessels

That’s my point in a previous post though, do the quest to get the cloak… do the assaults to get into the visions… to upgrade the cloak… to do the visions more?

Why exactly is this loop game play fun? Well, some may enjoy it - it is subjective after all - but I really don’t like it.

I miss deterministic gearing and choices. Not being led on with a Diablo style game play. (Heck, Diablo has RNG on drops but that’s it.)

It’s not a loss of control, though. You have control of your character. You choose which direction you jump. You can make that work to your advantage. A loss of control would be if you got feared/disoriented and couldn’t move using your wasd keys. That’s loss of control. Hot Feet is forced movement. Forced movement =/= loss of control.

If I got forced into a movement, I lost control of my character.

As > I < didnt’ do that.

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But with Hot Feet, you DID do that. You DID determine which way you leaped. That’s why it’s not loss of control.

But I didn’t want to leap, I don’t want to be flying over the battlefield. How is this complicated?

If I don’t want to do that and my character does it, it’s out of my control.

I could just stand still and not do anything though? Real control.

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As a dk, with limited speed I’ve been finding scorched feet to be something of a utility.

I’d rather just get an actual mobility ability. Death’s Advance feels really bad with it’s “long feeling CD.”

But yeah, it has knocked me out of stuff before.

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Grats. I’ll continue to farm Coalescing Visions daily to do as many Visions as possible because they’re fun/rewarding. You keep being casual.

Oh? Because doing Visions and Assaults is hardcore.

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Did I say that? Casuals don’t care about sockets.

Well, after saying you’ll do visions, and then you put that comment afterwards. Yes?

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You’re reaching.

If I was bitter about one thing it would be that they need to give me my Mailbox Muncher soon. It must be the rarest drop on earth. I always hit every mailbox and no muncher yet.


I was reading?

But hey, you say you meant it otherwise, I’ll take your word.

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You’re too insignificant for Blizz to pay attention to.


I can’t believe you’re still going on about scorched feet


I never said I expected them to pay attention to me. Come back again with less ad hominems.

Actually, it wasn’t about scorched feet directly. But reading right? I remember you.

Counter arguing what? All I see is a little human death knight getting salty over losing a vision.

Is this what GD does? Insult rather than talk?

I’ve said what you could say, there’s been people countering and talking that they enjoy it.

They didn’t resort to what you just did, so take some advice from the ones who actually posted about the topic. You can find them.

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no, you said it’s fun deleting your vessils. I want to see some screenshots.