That’s my point in a previous post though, do the quest to get the cloak… do the assaults to get into the visions… to upgrade the cloak… to do the visions more?
Why exactly is this loop game play fun? Well, some may enjoy it - it is subjective after all - but I really don’t like it.
I miss deterministic gearing and choices. Not being led on with a Diablo style game play. (Heck, Diablo has RNG on drops but that’s it.)
It’s not a loss of control, though. You have control of your character. You choose which direction you jump. You can make that work to your advantage. A loss of control would be if you got feared/disoriented and couldn’t move using your wasd keys. That’s loss of control. Hot Feet is forced movement. Forced movement =/= loss of control.
If I was bitter about one thing it would be that they need to give me my Mailbox Muncher soon. It must be the rarest drop on earth. I always hit every mailbox and no muncher yet.