It's like Blizzard doesn't want people to mythic raid

I don’t understand the current system of being locked to the instance id in mythic raid, unlike being locked to bosses in normal/heroic. I can kind of understand it during race to world first, but open it up after like week 3-4.

You join a pug, probably kill first boss then prog the 2nd boss. People leave after 2-3 wipes and then you can’t fill. Not very appealing to join this said run because the group is likely not killing the next boss so the joiner wouldn’t get 2 bosses for vault. And then run dies.

I understand it pushes people to join guilds, but let people who want to try mythic raid actually play the game, especially since most people dont want to/can’t commit 3-6 hours at least on designated times/days.

Has blizzard ever said a reason for the way it currently works? If it’s to prevent carrying then dont allow people who’ve already killed the current boss of group to join, or change it to reduce loot based on amount of locked people like heroic/normal, or allow flex raiding in mythic once hall of fame is closed.

idk man, just not fun when the group falls apart and you can’t fill

They just don’t want to people to pug. For better or for worse, they want mythic raiding to be a guild/organized event oriented thing

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My best guess would be every puggable form of content is under constant microscope for nerf requests (at least more-so than things that aren’t puggable) by sheer volume of people participating. So if Blizzard had to nerf mythic raiding to where CE was reasonably puggable, then actual mythic dedicated guilds would steamroll the content and complain.

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Not really complain, they’d just quit faster or you’d have happened to Classic where speedrunning alongside world rank becomes the benchmark where players rate themselves. It would likely just lead to rat “parse is king” culture that Classic has which is more toxic than anything retail has. You see this behavior with people trying to pug heroic Queen playing AoE talents to pad on hatchlings and skitters at the cost of single target boss damage which often leads to a disadvantage.