Its just god comp x.0

everyone is talking about how VDH is broken. and, yes, I am posting on my VDH because that has been my main all expac. “I am my scars…yadda yadda…”

but this is just one piece of god comp du jour.

current “god comp” in 15+

tank: VDH (93%)
healer: resto dr (61%)
dps: auggie, fire mage, shadow priest, ret paladin and a sprinkling of destrolock. (these specs are 74%)

in the 2-9 world where the vast majority of players are, it is much more even,. it isn’t even, but it is much moreso.

no it isnt even at the 5-9 level 42% of tanks are still vdh lmao. at all mythic levels its 39%. healers are much more balanced out until you get to the higher keys.

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Shadow priest needs a nerf

God comp core is just the crazy 2 minute synergy spriest and aug provide. The tank and healer swapped but the dps havent changed much from season 2’s end because of it.

And vengeance is overkitted but if dragonflight dungeons are the new standard all the other tanks could use a boost in mob control, should all at least have 2 ways to hard interrupt with all the dangerous casting non-stunnable mobs.

I don’t think they care, guys.

The DPS portion of said comp hasn’t changed since season 2, when bear was the meta.

Double sigil is still an issue, but the comp would stay the same even if veng was removed from the game.

Buddy, you can nerf the casters meta to the ground, vdh will still remain the only tank with 7! aoe ccs and the only one capable of pulling penta packs with one hand in the pants.

“God Comp” is only an issue for incredibly high keys where a group can consistently quad-quinta pull.

Destro, Balance, Spriest and All Mage specs hit like a noodle if only 2-3 packs at a time. I’m not sure what Blizzard can do besides making it to where every DPS has 8 Target/Reductions across the board for all AoE specs which would just make Melee incredibly OP or if they go back to AoE caps of 3-5 which everyone hated even more.

Anybody have real solutions? Because just flat out nerfing the DPS output of the “meta” specs isn’t the solution anyone seems to think it is

yeah good point
aside from destro just being nutty in certain keys where large pulls are inevitable, most average joe, average route keys you’re better served with a ret or hunter that can just nuke regardless of cds and pulls size


We all know they’re gonna nerf shadow again, and overnerf us when they do so we are borderline unplayable like we were at the start of S3.

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oh pls dont will that into existence

i picked up spriest and even though im trash at it im having fun
i think they’re going the route of buffing underperformers (aside from the dh nerf but its really nothing)

It’s happened before, SL S2 when our aoe was not exsistent, DF S3 when they nerfed us by 20% or so, shadow is running rampant rn. But blizz has never been able to balance SP correctly.
I love my priest as she was my main, but the moment they overnerf them again, I have my dk on the side gettingn ready to take over.

if it becomes unplayable ill probably go disc or something

See, I do not like how they have the priest specs designed now. I’m just shadow still bc its my best spec, one of 4 specs I can play with my eyes closed.

Resto Druid has way too much in its kit. Like way way too much. More clutch heals than any other healer and a whole “ramp” healing aspect that’s bound to be too good given the time it takes to prep.

Spec needs less tools just like VDH needs a pruning. Or you can bring everyone up to its standard and make M+ ten times harder. All the utility VDH brings and the healing Resto Druid brings trivialize M+ at the levels that are competitive for the rest of the classes.

VDH needs talent removal. Remove double sigils

i get bored of disc fast but its so easy (ive played it more than ive played shadow as well)
could try holy but id need to get some reps in with learning keybinds and how to deal with damage patterns

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Yea I miss mind sear on shadow, it’s what defined the spec for me. that and having multiple viable builds is also what I miss.

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God comp all over again (I missed S2 as a Guardian Druid), but just like all my experiences with Aug Evoker, I’m still left desiring more. Have yet to come across a decent Aug Evoker from S2 onward.

Not that they’ve been bad…they’ve just been…well…not living up to the hype. I must still be Pugging with all the ones expecting to be carried because they play the meta :frowning: no more benefit of the doubt. I’ll stick with the power house that is Dev