It's getting harder to find names

Multiclassing makes having lots of alts unnecessary.

FF14 has a healthy population. So has ESO (megaserver) and SWTOR. Also very popular are STO and NWO, all of which have full servers and lots of players in most areas.
Revelation Online is gaining.

Wow Classic appears to have more active players than retail. My 6 retail servers are pretty dead, but my 2 Classic servers are full of players, everywhere you go.

I think WoW will burst in pop once other legacy servers come online.

They need to lengthen the number of characters allowed and then allow the use of a space, hyphen, or apostrophe. This would allow a lot more options, they’re also things you’ll see NPCs using in their names, so it’s only fair.


I hope they actually do the full spread of legacy servers, not saying I am not having fun now but I never played MoP or Cata and I would like to play them will full populations

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We need the option to use one space, hyphen or apostrophe in our names.


I would prefer they would add a last name convention like SWtoR did so could have more then 1 person have a certain name.

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Any self respecting person avoids these. No wonder you’re not having trouble nabbing names if you just mash alt every time something is taken.

What a ridiculous claim.

There was a major release of unused names a few months ago.
We can prob expect another when Shadowlands hits.

They automated the process:

Character names on accounts that have been inactive for the past two expansions automatically become eligible to be used by other characters. We do not assist with releasing character names manually.


Too limiting and some races don’t use last names. That’s why I think the space, hyphen or apostrophe works better. Unless they did both. Which I doubt they’d do. We can’t have choices, apparently.


It’s what I did when I created this toon yesterday. Hit the random name button a few times, and this is what I got.

Surprised it wasn’t already taken, to be honest.

They don’t give out sub numbers, a policy Blizzard has adopted too. Regardless of how you want to spin it, FFXIV is a game that’s been growing, WoW isn’t.

The only reason player housing is successful in other games is because, let’s just say it…

FFXIV has ALOT of ERP going on, and the housing was implemented to keep these people from clogging up capital cities in their underwear.

They still do it, but at least they have somewhere to go other than the bench next to the AH.

I’m pretty sure the standards were looser (or up to GM interpretation) back in the day. Names don’t get released nowadays because the standards are so friggin low. You practically have to abandon your account before they’ll release your name to somebody. You don’t even have to pay Blizzard, just store names on a Trial Account.

I don’t agree.

There are quite a few options that have probably zero meaning but I found cool, but a mass whatever they do is in order soon I’d think for names.

ÐÖrkfÆÇÈ is still available if you move quickly

The only name I’m interested in right now is Death on Bleeding Hollow.
I got a couple names saved up to trade for characters I don’t play anymore on various realms.
On that note, does anyone want the name Wolf on Tich?

I would love a new name release. I’m sitting on a handful of re-names if the ones I’m after are ever freed.

However… one problem I have is how do they determine if it’s an active name?

What I mean is, say someone is still paying their sub, but hasn’t used the account in a year+ and does not intend to ever play again? Or someone who actively plays, but that particular character hasn’t been logged into for any reason in a year+?

One flag off the top of my head are those in the armed forces - you’re deployed but keep your account active so when you come back, your names and everything are still there. Inactive account, but being paid for, with the lapse in actual play due to extenuating circumstances (as opposed to “i quit and never unsubbed”).

TL;DR/“Tig, that was confusing” - Trying to determine what is or is not an active account could get messy on technicalities. And even though I have a lot of names I’d love to have freed up, I wouldn’t want to be unfair to others. But I still want my names. Tricky subject.

I think that its probably, if you are paid up you are active for naming reasons.