It's funny how people let this token thing Fly lol

they dont but they also cant get back up there after getting banned as fast now due to multiboxxing getting a limit. :man_shrugging:

what do you mean by “get back up there”?
boosts still exist.

yes but they know theyll get banned again if they multibox so they dont. so its not as quick as before. Hence the slowed down due to multiboxxing.

It’s disgusting how it’s become so normalize.

Well yea but tokens obviously make this a lot easier and legal

the accounts are going to get banned anyway.
they have no reason to care.
by the time an investigation has happened, they’ve already raked in a mass of gold.

Hardware broadcasting is still fine, and many still multibox that way. Others will once they can get themselves set for it.

It isn’t, you will get reported and banned, then good luck explaining in the appeals “oh but I wasn’t “technically” breaking the ToS”

I’ve been multiboxing just fine since the software broadcasting restriction was implemented. No problems with anything or anyone I’ve encountered. Of course, I don’t multibox to grief players in warmode, so that probably helps.


We will now additionally prohibit the use of all software and hardware mechanisms to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multi-boxing in any way. Players found to be in violation of this policy are subject to account actions. These actions can include warnings, account suspensions and, if necessary, permanent closure of the player’s World of Warcraft account(s), as activities which effectively replicate automated gameplay are contrary to the terms and conditions of the Blizzard End-User License Agreement (EULA).

Nobody can control how ppl spend their money, so it doesn’t; matter if ppl let it fly or not.

That’s fine. It’s not as easy to track the various hardware methods as it is the software. Either way, I’m still doing fine, but thanks for the concern.

Easier sure, I eluded to that. How do they make it any more or less legal? Selling a service for currency has always been a thing in wow, and life, that tying, capitalism.

Anon with another p2w thread


Well I never miss a chance to quote myself :smiley:

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Anon = Ralph?

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And without tokens, it would be just “enter your credit card numbers” and we will invite you into the next carry raid. It’s not like there aren’t already dozens of sites you can find on google doing just that.

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The same streamers who fostered and fed off of the toxic portion of players that they are now preaching against (facepalm)

The gear is bough in game with game gold and is provided by players clearing the game’s content for you, with you. To me that is very different from buying gear directly from the cash shop. The lemmings need to stop parroting those poor “content creator” sob story.

Why do you need to kill her on Mythic, anyway? Kill her on Normal or Heroic. You’ve finished the content either way.

Are people woefully obtuse are all the commenters token buyers? People are still using third party sites, it didn’t stop, it didn’t diminish, its worse.

Tokens made it worse, people are still trading gold for money. Blizzard just doesn’t enforce anything.

Its like saying hey "crime is super high in this area, we should limit the flow of guns.

Buh buh people are just going to stab eachother instead."