It's funny how people let this token thing Fly lol

It’s practically a very subtle pay to win aspect.

Oh you want a sylvanas mythic kill? Pay limit milions of gold to do it that you bought with tokens. LOL


So….how much did you regret spending?? :joy:


It’s too bad Mythic Sylv is literally impossible to kill without buying tokens.

I can’t believe Blizzard would do that.

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It’s not even subtle and people still fall for the idea that it’s not ptw.


Would you rather it be tokens, or a third party site to buy gold, or pay real money on? Make up your minds, it’s still going to happen especially since Blizzard fired most of their GM department anyway.


The only thing tokens change is the amount of the payment to who the seller is. Let’s say you pay $1 mil with tokens… take tokens out and it’s $200k instead, but proportionally the same in relation to the value to the market. I just don’t see how taking out tokens changes a players will to spend gold for boss kills. Maybe it’s less players I guess? The market would and always will exist regardless.

Nope i havent spent anything on it LOL maybe one day if I get too lazy

ask the alliance side that question

I would be honest and have 3rd party do it. Cuz then blizzard can ban the accounts involved if they get caught.


What “people”? Players had no say in the matter.


What? That makes no sense. You would rather Blizzard not get any of the profit or revenue from tokens, and let them ban people and lose more money. That’s absurd, man. You’re not thinking like a corporation at all.

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I mean if you think about it. IF someones gonna buy gold from 3rd party sites ODDS are they’re going to come back even after they get banned. I personally think blizzard will make money off that.

same with gold sellers. They will keep buying accounts after they get banned. Because they need farmers. etc.

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Just because players get banned from WoW doesn’t stop people from buying boosts or carries. You remember Reckful, the top rogue? He got banned for boosting and carrying players, whilst playing on their accounts.

You know what he did? He just made another WoW account and kept boosting people because he made money off it.

I used to like the token even, and I do understand why it exists. My issue is that I can no longer find alternative ways to make gold because I can’t sell carries. AH is soft, nothing sells, not even on TBCC where one can assume the third parties run the show. In the day I made my 5k for fast flying as I leveled just selling herbs and enchanting mats, I do not think it is possible now. I’m neglecting my alts because I need to save money, and since I’m already subbed the fact that it’s just perfectly normal for me to blow 20-60 dollars per character is kind of lousy.

I’m just not sure how removing the token wouldn’t give back the market to 3rd party sites. They are everywhere in TBCC just like they were in TBC. I didn’t buy gold then and got along pretty okay (I was a broke joke for a hot minute after I bought that flying), so it begs the question, why does that no longer feel possible?

Why are tokens such a hot topic right now?

I agree that they opened the floodgates to normalizing paid carries (and that this is a bad thing), but why is this a topic NOW? The token has been around since WoD and carries started getting out of hand in Legion.

couple content creators singled it out as a reason for the current state of the game, which it is obviously not.


ITS not true but its in poor taste. Just play the game like everyone does :man_shrugging:

so do you have a list of all the hot topics to drop on the next sunday?

that’s an interesting hobby.

Huh I don’t. I just find it hilarious that people just let this happen. the first time it got out. :man_shrugging:

I do, and I understand that you need no tokens for boosting for gold being so prevalent. Gold is so easy to come by in this game.
I’m pretty confident in that majority of boosts are bought for actual earned gold and not the token-bought.
And it is game design that makes people want to get boosts that is to blame for this, not the currency that they use to acquire them, there will always be a way to get carried in exchange for something.

it makes more sense for people to get the gold from Blizzard, than encouraging massive quantities of bots, and having people give their credit card information to fraudsters, which ultimately ends up costing blizzard money in regaining access to accounts and restorations.