It's Freedom Month for July

Oh man I love the 4th, probs on par with Halloween for me.

How can you not? Nicest time of year, cookouts, booze, fireworks, friends and fam!

It’s the biggest summer bash for one of the things we should celebrate most :us_outlying_islands::eagle:

Happy independence day to all Americans and especially to our troops!


Add a call out for our friends in Canada. Happy Canada Day!

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This reminds me to order my bottle of Jack from Walmart and have it delivered on the 3rd…party time…


I have my bomb pops ready for the 4th!


I have my stuff but I will watch others shoot off fireworks. I don’t mix booze and bombs. :grin:

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Ohhh I don’t do fireworks…and without my Jack I be a royal mess cause of my PTSD from the Military…I need to make it though the night…


:notes:sounds like a song title :notes:


Just remember, when you’re getting drunk and lighting off fireworks, you’re likely triggering PTSD in nearby vets and causing panic and anxiety in neighborhood pets. There’s also significant risk of setting your own or your neighbors house on fire.



“I thought this was a free country!?!?! Wut Merica ain’t free anymore?!?!”

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Thought 4th of July was blow your fingers off day?

Right, if not for the events on the 4th of July 1776 we would all be wondering, is our head of state King Charles the III or King Charles I? Same guy but would his predecessors of that name count in the Americas?

An argument could be made either way.


Not jabbed and proud. Freedom of choice now and forever!


we’re free of fake marketing.
Unless there’s anyone here who VPNs in from China or the Middle East =)

Don’t know why you’d be proud of endangering yourself and others but good for you I guess?

Not so good for everyone else in America but I’m not American so :dracthyr_shrug:


I’m free to eat at as many all you can eat buffets.

Pandaren can eat up to 84 pounds a day.


That only applies to Americans. Are you implying we’re all American?

As A Canadian, I don’t care at all about the 4th of July. I don’t even care about July 1st which is Canada Day. Canada is too expensive. So expensive, nobody can have freedom because nobody can afford to pay for rent and buy food, so nobody is happy, and everyone feels like a slave to the system. Work, pay taxes, pay bills, be broke.

It’s not that people are proud of endangering themselves and others. (probably)
It’s that people are thankful that they can endanger themselves and others.

The fact people still have this stance is just sad.

Those of us who didn’t, are doing just fine.

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