It's finally happening!

Brother Korloff first learned of the monk’s deadly arts from pandaren ambassadors as they journeyed through Azeroth. When the crusader demonstrated this martial style to his superiors, they unanimously ordered Korloff to train an entire generation of initiates in the ways of the monk.


Cool didn’t know Korloff learnt from the pandarens. That is an NPC from MoP tho so was when pandaria was introduced and that makes me correct. Monks, at least to what we know as a monk and the playable class comes from pandaren teachings. So yea still related to pandaria and pandarens culture and beliefs.

So still strange for a Lightforged to be a monk.

doggie : )

no he learned of not from of, he didn’t have any connections to the celestials what so ever

the keywords is learned of

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Brother Korloff first learned of the monk’s deadly arts from pandaren ambassadors as they journeyed through Azeroth

It literally says the monk arts from the pandarens ambassadors, it doesn’t matter if the pandaren themselves taught him, he learned the pandaren monk style.
He is a pandarian monk, it’s not his own kind of monk. We don’t know if he has no connection to the celestial, but considering he learned from pandarens then pretty much he does. Pandaria’s monks are tied to the celestials.

it literally says learned of, meaning the existence, and the knowledge of that existence was from panda ambassadors.
Politicians who go to Korea can learn of the existence of Tang Soo Do from ambassadors, doesn’t mean the ambassadors know it or could teach it to someone.

it very much is though, as he uses fire magic to augment his fist

This is not actually what Monks do, Monks use their Spirit (Chi) which would not go against LF at all. In fact considering there very souls are infused with Light they would probably make super strong Monks. Of course, the celestials are important to the Monks, but I would not say they really worship them.

Shadow Priest on the other hand…


dude if he learned of the monk arts from the pandarens ambassadors that means before the pandaren arrived to Azeroth he didn’t know about it. And if he learned of those arts from pandarens that means he learned of the pandaria monk style.
It’s not that hard…

Monks used to have a bunch of fire spells back in the day.
I can remember Breath of fire and Fire blossom from Mists of Pandaria. (idk if brewmasters still have Breath of fire, don’t really play that spec anymore since mop)

Pandaria monks are quite connected to the elements spirits, there’s an ability for ww monks “Storm, Earth, and Fire” that has eart and fire magic in it.

In W3 chen stormstout did the same ability and the fire clone used to deal massive fire dmg.

Yet you’re ignoring the words used.


Learning of the existence of something isn’t the same thing as learning how to do a thing.

Hearing about the existence of a thing isn’t learning how to do the specific thing.

All he learned about was the prowess of hand to hand combat so figured out his own style.

Is just them doing the same kind of fire breathing you can see on vacation in Hawaii.

They’re chugging “brew” and spitting it out. It’s not like dragon breath from mage.

Spinning fire blossom is the closest to fire spells, but even that was more ethereal than what Brother Kroloft was doing.

Wc3 brewmasters used shaman left over assets, they even used the same voice.

Brother Korloff first learned of the monk’s deadly arts from pandaren ambassadors as they journeyed through Azeroth. When the crusader demonstrated this martial style to his superiors, they unanimously ordered Korloff to train an entire generation of initiates in the ways of the monk.

“When the crusader demonstrated - THIS - martial style to his superiors…”

It’s clearly obvious it’s referring to the monk style from pandarens. Not his own style. You are being extremely picky just to make your idea true. Why add the pandaren part i f it was just knowing of the existence of martial art? it’s pretty obvious and specific he learned the pandaren style.

so? still makes it a fire, earth and storm spell. WW monks still in dragonflight can use this ability.

We can literally say the same thing for Brother Korloff abilities. Just a bunch of brew to make things on fire.

Monk can manipualte fire in a way different than mages and shamans.

Even if just chugging brew and spit it out you still need fire to light it on. And monks don’t bring a lighter with them, they use indeed fire and just use brew to empower it.

If this kinda debate is happening over monks I can’t wait to watch the forums burn down when undead pallies become a thing.

But I’m on team any race can be a monk and kick faces. Just like any race can pick up stick and use their rage to be a warrior.


There’s been many lore, npcs, stories that built undeads to use the light. It’s been a thing since Vanilla wow where in Naxx one of the horsemen used light abilities.
There’s official lore about how this happens.

Warriors are different from monks. Warriors aren’t tied to a faith, a culture or a belief. They are just weapon users.

Monks aren’t just karate guys. They aren’t just kick and punch stuff or someone who is good at fighting with just their hands.

Playable monks have a whole philosophy behind them that it’s tied to Pandaria and the August celestials. A lightforged draenei can punch things and beat someone without a weapon? Yea sure they can but that’s not what the playable monk class is all about.

I’ve already mentioned how game mechanics and lore don’t equal, as tauren paladin aren’t weilding the light, they’re just druid versions of paladins.

As for monks throughout the gam

There is a version of monk has nothing to do with celestials

Except the celestials didn’t teach them anything until after the pandas had taught themselves martial arts and how to harness chi, then pushed back the Mogu and freed the captured celestials.
After that is when the celestials started teaching them things about inner strength more.

Edit: the ability to “wind walk” and “weave mists” weren’t bestowed by celestials and isn’t like shamans who are invoking the elements and just being a channel focal point.
The power they wield is the power everyone has available and the lore even from the pandas say the same thing


I appreciate your dedication to your headcannon lore but nothing in game or books says what you’re saying.

In fact in the books monks are so much just 100% karate guys that kick and punch. Even vol’jin cross trained to become a monk. And Vol’jin is officially a shadow hunter (a priest / hunter mix) who worships shadow.


I totally forgot about runemasters monk. They have been official monks since wc3 before even wow.

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I may or may not have been an rp nerd with my wife during MoP and made a monk that got rped as one

It’s not the same.
Light has many variations. This has been established in lore.
For taurens is the Anshe so basically when they cast a holy light the source is the sun.

But when a monk casts Yu’lon or Xuen or Chi’ji there’s no other source for that ability than the celestial from pandaria.

That’s not a monk, that’s a runemaster. Monks don’t use runes. Because you can punch and kick does not make you a monk like the playable one.
We are talking about the playable monk, not just a random martial art.


Monks bring a unique martial arts style to any fight, and harness an exotic form of magical energy that’s unfamiliar to those who practice other arcane arts. They seek spiritual balance in life and in combat, and as dangerous as Monks can be on the battlefield, they’re rarely looking to pick a fight without just cause. They view the world through a different lens, finding power through serenity and inner peace—then expressing it through artful combat techniques and powers that mend life. Perhaps most surprisingly, Monks are also adept at producing powerful brews they consume to aid them in battle

Sorry but they are not just punch and kicks, there’s more than that.

And what’s the matter if Vol’jin learned from the monks of pandaria? I’m literally saying anyone can learn the monkish way of pandaria. It’s just I see weird Lightforged would try to learn that considering what the race is.

Runemaster =/= monks :stuck_out_tongue: they are called runemasters for a reason. The established monk from MoP is a totally different thing

The lore quite literally says that tauren paladins are not wielding the light, unless you’re trying to save druids themselves are not actually wielding nature.
They specifically made them to be plate wearing druids, just like paladins are just plate wearing priests

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Nothing you linked said anything about celestials


Dude your main burst ability is a celestial…

Ther are different kind of monks? Yea sure but THE PLAYABLE ONE and i’m strictly speaking about the one you choose in your creation screen is a pandaria style monk.

The term ‘monk’ has been used before in World of Warcraft , long prior to the introduction of the playable monk class. There is some speculation regarding the origin of NPC monks, which has never been fully explained. However, no evidence currently suggests a connection between the pandaren monks and these other types of monk.