It's been two weeks since fresh servers launched and I'm still only level 17

Lv28 and I don’t feel like i’m rushing. Young kid and work 50+ hours a week, so hop on when I can and just enjoying taking my time. I’ve got no interest in hitting 60 as quick as possible.

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Those are rookie numbers.

I’m at like 30k total

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I have an army of alts that are all between like levels 7-10, mostly just to reserve names, but they all have professors up pretty high for their level to serve my main.

I’m new to wow altogether an I love the open world experience, quests, dungeons, tons of real pple in chat. It’s a cool game from the ground up. Explore and have fun as you see fit. Totally dig it


you don’t know how refreshing it is to hear from a 'have never played wow before lol
hope you get to have a lot more fun going forward.


Absolutely. Im questing in zones I ignored before, stopping in cool spots to light a campfire and chill for a few until I open my quest log to read all my quests again to try to figure out which one to do next. HC is really making me take my time.

Meanwhile, I watched this great guild fall apart in two weeks because of the division between casual and serious players. Pretty much every high level on the server are linking up to probably try to be the first to clear a raid. But in the process, the social aspect of the game fades, and rather quickly. It’s sad but the same sort of issue plagues the relaunch. People were way more social even just a week ago compared to today, but thankfully there are still a good amount of casuals, or people who died in HC, to allow us slower paced players to keep making connections along our adventures.


Have a drink is fine, having 2 thousand drinks mean you have a problem.

Also judging by the general quality of your posts, 2k posts of your caliber is tough to comprehend.

You definitely shouldn’t feel pressure or be in a rush for a game .

If you’re having fun - then you’re experiencing what games are meant for .

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As you should.

Vanilla is a lot less stressful than the current game, and it’s sometimes just kind of fun to vibe out since things take so long.

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Ive never felt rushed to do anything in wow be it classic or retail. No one forces you to go fast, some people just like that.

You have over 120 posts in 2 weeks. If you kept up that pace for the same length of time I’ve been posting you’d have over 3k posts

You probably shouldn’t start throwing rocks in your glass house

I actually am playing consistently and my locks only lvl 17. I do afk alot my /played would say I’m always on.

I’ll hit 29 on my Horde Druid/Warlock duo today.
Then I’ll start my Alliance Druid/Warlock duo and level those to 29.

If you like the idea of taking your time leveling then they need to allow us to copy / transfer these 20th anniversary classic characters over to classic era when TBC launches like 2019 classic so we don’t lose all our progress when we’re eventually forced on to expansions we don’t want to play especially when we only have one year of fresh , I want to invest more time into my 20th anniversary classic characters but I’m worried that they won’t let us keep them in classic and within a few years we’re all just in cataclysm and they might as well just delete them all

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not the same dude. this guy was talking about one character and taking his time. lol

if you work on fishing and do lots of farming to keep professions maxed for your lvl it adds time.

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i am also having fun taking my time

but i mostly just suck at the game

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43 children and 12 wives?! Name checks out…

Cool. The real vanilla experience was this way. Still remember my first 60 in 2005 was my dwarf paladin in actual “calendar” time I guess is how to say it. Took me just over a month and I played a lot more than I do these days. But it was fun.

I might build a new character on a class realm but I think the nostalgia of the idea is more appealing to me than actually doing it again. But glad others enjoy it.

This right here. I have spent a great deal of time leveling fishing and cooking so I could get the smoked sagefish recipe, then I spent quite a bit of time fishing up around 200 sagefish both for personal use and to sell on the AH. Stuff like that definitely takes time.

I’m also level 20 now, and with the next couple days off I hope to hit 25 or so. Depends how much time I choose to play though.

Are you new to the game, or have you just never been good at it? I struggled a lot when I first started playing, but over the years I learned proper spell rotation, which stats to focus on, how to use each spell correctly and effectively… Icyveins is a great site that helped me, and I’m sure millions of others. It’ll help you to better learn and understand your race and class, and how to get the most out of your character, talents, etc.

Also, there’s tons of new player guides out there. Everybody will have their favorites. I personally love MadSeason, and he has a lot of very helpful videos. I highly suggest checking him out.