It's been over 10 hours after trying to "unstuck character" and I cannot log into my character

My character was stuck in the air for some reason and couldn’t use any items to teleport away. SO I tried the unstuck feature which said would take a few minutes, it booted me off and that was 10 hours ago. I have tried logging in since onto my chara and I keep getting disconnected/booted off with Error Code: WOW51900319

This is frankly ridiculous.

You can put in a back up ticket via the website, if the stuck self service failed, it actually should show the link I think if on cooldown.

Ha. I just tried to use that submission form and when I go to hit “submit” it is now on a perpetual loading animation and nothing is happening.

Refreshed the page and resubmitted and now the ticket is open.

This can’t be the best way to “unstuck” a character. It should just be an automatic hearth to the nearest capital with some kinda cooldown.

I just saw my character turn into a ghost in the character selection screen. Tried logging in and now I can.
Go figure.