The world is already incredibly easy to traverse between the addition of expanded portal rooms, independent hearthstones (e.g. garrison/Legion Dalaran), mage portals for new expansions, engineering wormhole generators, meeting stones, fast low-level skyriding, the refer-a-friend summoning feature, and directly queueable content.
Yet, we are still stuck with the same Ritual of Summoning design that’s been in place effectively since 2004: a clunky system where we have to wait for two additional players to click an object, pray they stand still, and then coordinate with one other player for each and every character we want to summon.
There’s no fun in this minigame and there’s no real point to the restriction anymore. My suspicion is these limitations were implemented out of concern that warlocks would trivialize the very slow world travel that was originally part of vanilla WoW’s design, or fear that a single warlock could turn the tide of Tarren Mill vs. Southshore. The modern game has moved on; today we are left with the nuisance of waiting for two other people to point their dragon in the correct direction, and then perform the whole “ritual” of clicking the portals. It requires attention with no real payoff. It’s like herding cats – which is much worse than herding imps.
We can destroy world-ending threats and command an army, yet we need some people who have never opened a book on shadow magic in their life to help us do this basic task. We can summon Pit Lords from the Twisting Nether, but by myself I can’t summon Fred the Gnome from one zone over.
Mages have the ability to teleport entire groups without additional help. What gives? Mages are no smarter than warlocks! This change would help enhance an iconic warlock class fantasy/utility without breaking the game.
Cut out the middlefolk - let us target a party member and summon them ourselves. This would be a nice quality of life change that encourages group content and lets us get to the fun parts of the game just a tad bit faster. It would make it more convenient when playing with smaller (<4) groups of friends. Lastly, I believe it would be welcome by both warlocks and their group members, and is a long overdue improvement to the class.