With the new politically-correct drive from Blizz, it seems likely we will not see new gun xmogs ever again.
Dwarfs need guns.
With the new politically-correct drive from Blizz, it seems likely we will not see new gun xmogs ever again.
Dwarfs need guns.
I doubt it - for some reason. If they’re getting to that point, which is the verge of insanity! - they’re going to erase their own game
Probably only if they also erase the war from warcraft.
There has been a derth of rifles in this exp. I think one drops off a boss in Necrotic Wake but everything else is bows or crossbows.
World of Craft
I’d be down
Do you really need anything other than the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle?
Imagine using any other rifle mog than this:
…and 30+ bows/crossbows.
Dunno why people are calling OP troll, he actually has a point, even if the cause might not be what he thinks it is.
There seems to be a gun mog from SoD, and 1 Covenant seems to have a gun mog, but otherwise, they are pretty absent from the game in Shadowlands.
Frankly, might just make sense as it doesn’t seem the afterlife is very “steampunk” at all. Dunno if it’s because Californians are generally anti-gun and Blizzard is actually trying to reduce the amount of guns in game, that’s just pure speculation and unprovable. It could very well be that Guns in Bastion, Guns in Ardenweald and Guns in Revendreth make little sense lore wise and setting wise.
We haven’t had a good looking gun since the Nerubian Conqueror.
This is all it is.
I can’t argue with what this fine individual has said.
How did they make something that good back in BC and then never make a good looking gun again lol.
It’s beyond my understanding. lol I keep looking but never find anything I’d replace it with.
I think they actually made a couple good ones in WoD; has some spare shells on the side and everything. Pretty sure one dropped as a blue from a rare in Tanaan, but there may have green quality color variants, or maybe from dungeons? I don’t play a Hunter, so I don’t keep up with all the info a ton, I just remember finding it one day and being impressed.
Actually no bows
The only weapon worgen fear