It's actually kind of offensive that Blizzard chose to

…allocate all of this time and all of these resources into creating Warfronts and Island Expeditions and release them in their current form.

As it stands, they are minimally rewarding auto-win content that offer absolutely nothing to the depth of the end game or to your character progression outside of a bit of AP and yet another weekly box every now and then. They are as simple as queue up, win, and leave. The story of them is boring, the execution of them is lame.

There is no doubt that they took up a significant amount of resources away from areas of the game that could have been improved upon.

Who in their right mind would choose to put resources into these two extremely underwhelming features instead of the things that are already proven to be some of the most important reasons people play - being things like class design, dungeons and raids, better transmog options akin to challenge mode sets, etc. You know, the reasons people have been playing this game forever.

Like, can we really look at the neglected areas of the game and NOT think how much better this expansion would have been had they just not invested so much into these two massive gimmicks and instead allocated those resources into areas that people actually cared about? It would be different if they were bad because they didn’t try with them… but they REALLY tried. They just failed miserably with them and ate up so many resources in the process.

This is the biggest tell that they have no idea who has been playing their game for the last decade or what they want to be enjoying. It’s disrespectful that they think that is content people who have paid thousands of dollars to play this game over the years would want.


I mean. I can appreciate them trying new things. It can’t be easy to think up more new things every expansion. I can’t mock that. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I wouldn’t mind a higher chance or difficulty for warfronts

Completely changing everything up every expansion might be part of the issue.


Yeah no id like to afk and get my free lewt ty.

You probably shouldn’t get offended by video game design. If you don’t like it, suggest changes or don’t do them. Taking personal offense is a bit dramatic and bad for your health.

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Perhaps. It’s kind of a double edged sword

yes those features are really dumb and a big part of the reason i didnt buy bfa

also classes are less fun than legion, so i saw no reason to pay money for this expansion. i dont have a sub but we can still post like this for now

I enjoy warfronts and island expeditions.


You haven’t missed anything, tbh.


There is not an unlimited amount of resources that they invest into an expansion, just “don’t do them” doesn’t help. They wasted resources to implement these areas of the game which took away from other areas. You have to rob Peter to pay Paul.

If they used that time to polish up things like the Azerite system or actually make well rounded spellbooks for every class instead of just removing everything that poses a balancing challenge, this expansion probably wouldn’t feel as bad even during a content drought.


I enjoy warfronts and island expeditions as well.

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the worst part of IE for me is that i think it’s part of the reasons professions suck. couldn’t have mythic 0 level gear for professions because in a few weeks you get a free full set. though jc could’ve made rings or trinkets that could’ve been nice for people who won’t want to do mythics or lfr. i know inscription has trinkets but those are normal raid level and not really what i’m talking about. lol

None of that changes what I said. You getting offended by it is bad for your health. /shrug


If I’m ever in bad health, I’ll remember this. But currently I am not.


There is absolutely nothing offensive about them focusing on current content for the relevant expansion, even if you hate them.

What would you rather they focus on? Raids and dungeons? What if some of us don’t care about raids and dungeons?

Stop thinking the universe revolves around you.

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What are you talking about?

I SPECIFICALLY said that I was hoping they would focus on

"being things like class design, dungeons and raids, better transmog options akin to challenge mode sets, etc. "

“If they used that time to polish up things like the Azerite system or actually make well rounded spellbooks for every class instead of just removing everything that poses a balancing challenge,”

Those things benefit EVERYONE and you trying to make it seem like that’s me thinking “the universe revolves around me” is ridiculous.

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I stand with what I said, here you go spouting on how they shouldn’t put focus on Islands and Warfronts, completely assuming nobody enjoys em.

Guess what? People enjoy them.

But let me guess, you don’t? So let’s stop the whole thing.

I like islands, I just wish there wasn’t an arbitrary time limit and you could actually explore. For warfronts, I really only have one gripe, that you can’t fight for control of them like wintergrasp or tol barad. Like whut.

Edit: The warfront quests for when your faction holds it could be more engaging, too. Killing x20 of a thing eight times isn’t all that fun.

I feel like they released a bunch of easy stuff to get us all geared/used to it… THEN they release harder content.

That’s just my theory. Same with professions and everything else people think is too easy right now.

Offensive is not the word I would use for this. They didn’t try to make bad content and it sounded good on paper, it just didn’t work out as well in-game.