Items of Some Consequence Quest broken

the quest “Items of Some Consequence” seems to be bugged completely. No one ive spoken to can get the NPC “Tyrion” to accept our quest hand in. Im trying to give him the 3 silk and the 2 apples and hes just standing there telling me hes waiting for his spybot to come back, BUT THE BOT IS RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. This quest offers such a nice ring as a reward, its a shame its bugged…


Having the same issue

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yup, definitely not the only one. ive seen people getting bummed about it literally all day today. ive run to the gnome over a dozen different times over the span of 12 hours and hes always broken


me too… i am so angry

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Same issue here.

Tyion refused to accept my quest hand it. I dropped the quest now I cannot even pick it back up. I reported this as a bug several days ago. Still bugged.


Any fix about this yet? Having the same issue.

Edit: I was able to turn it in after waiting for 5 or 10 minutes. Seemed like I couldn’t turn it in while somebody else was doing the quest.

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Still an issue. The blizzard help interface says that this is ‘working as intended’. But waited next to the NPC for 10 minutes and no quest interaction (pickup/turn in) ever appeared. That can’t be right?

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I’ve been trying to turn in this quest as well over the past few days but Tyrion won’t accept. I’ve abandoned the quest and now I can’t seem to even start it again.

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Same here. I stood around with 5 other people last night waiting for it. Google shows that this has been an issue in vanilla as well.

You need to wait for Tyrion’s spybot to show up inorder to turn in the quest.
if someones turned it in you need to wait 3-5ish minutes for the quests sequence to end before spybot show up again.

optimally you want to invite people to turn in, everyone benefits from it (turn in counts for everyone in the party)

Good Luck!

You’re either not reading what the others have said or have some issue with comprehension, the spybot is there and we’re waiting with no turnin option after an hour. Still bugged as of today. This has been posted for over a month with not even a look at it from blue, at least respond so we actually think you’re doing something about it.


Yup and it’s still bugged. i think don’t have no plans on fixing this bug which is sad
