Items are different ilvl when in guild bank vs when in bags

not sure if it is a known bug but i could not find anything searching these forums.

i have many old weapons and armour in my alt’s (Postmeoffers) guild vault.
when i take them out of the vault into my bags they are different ilvl.

ie Massacre Sword of the Quickblade is ilvl 29 in guild vault and ilvl 130 in bags.

i thought it might be a display error so i disabled all addons but the same was true with addons disabled.

i thought it might be a one off change due to item scaling update since putting the item in the vault (years ago?) but I moved them item back and forward multiple times and it changes each time.

when trying to put the item on the AH it has the same ilvl as when in my bags (130).

edit : i also put it in the warband bank (remained 130) took it out with an alt (130 in alts bag) deposited into alt’s bank (130) then put into alt’s guild vault which is different from other guild vault (ilvl changed to 29)

I just saw another post with a similar issue

There were some hefty issues with guild banks a few months ago. They took a while to resolve and its possible this is related to those problems or caused by fixing them.

An older post referencing the same issue

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Yup, it essentially looks like it’s reverting the tooltip to the “base” item when it goes into the guild vault (ie, without any of the modifiers on it).

I suspect it’s linked to the battle pets issue which is similar - when in the guild vault nearly all of them revert to “caged pet” with no way of knowing what battle pet it actually is, without withdrawing and placing in your bags, at which point it goes back to showing what it is.

Guild vaults have been pretty much broken since TWW launch. Anything to do with guilds is NOT a priority for Blizzard. I’m guessing because they think that it’s only affecting a small sub-set of their player base.

I don’t know whether they’re assuming this because each guild is owned by only one person (the guild master), or whether they are actually including all members of a guild and they STILL think it’s a small sub-set. Personally I don’t see many people running around without a guild name over their heads, so it could either be the former, or that Blizzard just don’t care to support guilds anymore.

As plenty of guild leaders/owners have suggested the same (that Blizzard really don’t care to support guilds) over the years, and not once have they actually come back and proved otherwise, I think this is probably the case.

In summary … don’t expect it to be fixed any time soon.

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I can at least confirm, I am not using any add ons.

this has been happening for months. I posted about it initially and have submitted bug reports and they havent even acknowledged it happens.

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They’ve “kinda” acknowledged the issue on the EU forums, but in a very roundabout way.

In the EU this thread was raised:

A blue responded, saying it sounded like it was similar to the Battle Pet’s showing only as cages issue.

The Battle Pet thread got a Blue reply saying:

The thread relating to the Armor in vaults then gave clarification:

As you can see, the Blue got a bit annoyed with me (I’m Poisonenvy there) when I’d done some experimenting to discover that the item reverted to it’s proper tooltip once out of the vault, and they suggested that as a “fix”:

(my comment in the thread they linked):

And the link to the US thread, where I did the experimenting:

My response to the Blue in the original thread:

The Blue stating they didn’t know what I was talking about (even though it was linked in the thread that they used to show it was a similar issue):

But they’ve been “working on a Fix” since November AND it’s related to guilds, so this is a “don’t hold your breath” moment :stuck_out_tongue: