Item Splitter Addon

First time posting here and know very little about coding but trying to learn. I have not seen any addons that handle item splitting quite like the one below but the author has been MIA since 2020. Since 11.0 it won’t split items in the guild bank and haven’t had the opportunity to test on warband banks yet. Anyone with some coding knowledge want to take a crack at it or maybe fork it?

Cooky Item Splitter on Curseforge

Same question here. Cookie Item Splitter has been very useful to me to better run guild banks.

Need some help on this addon or just some suggestions to better split items in wow in general.

Just a heads up that someone took to recreating the addon as the author has been MIA and his licensing on Curseforge does not allow someone to fork his work. It seems to work and is a good replacement for now. Look up Item Splitter.