Item rewards that scale to your ilvl is a dumb mechanic

The thing thats making me annoyed right now is I leveled a character very recently to 120 and all gear no matter the ilvl I get is corrupted :’ ) (but yes i also hate the scaling stuff too)

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It’s funny cause on my main I wanted corrupted gear but never got anything good. So I quit playing it before the vendor came out. Then on my alts all I do is get +75 corruption on every new upgrade.

It does and has devolved into pay 2 win for me when I buy a 460+ or two on the AH just so WQs and assaults start handing 445s. I’m so glad this expansion is all but over, I haven’t had the best luck gearing this character in BfA and I’m ready to put it behind me. Currently my reward tier is 435, and I’m not spending any money pushing it, I spent that money and then some on the new expansion and the mechagodzilla dragon.