Item restoration not working

I am not seeing any items available to restore. But I have 60+ pages that are all blank.

Having the same issue. Nothing loading.

I am experiencing the same issue. i have 24 pages for items, but the load time is very long and then nothing appears. However the count shows it should be displaying 1-10 of 231 items. This tool normally works without any issues. 2020-04-21T18:36:00Z

Additional Note- Attempted to access the tool on:

Internet Explorer 11 (version: 11.778.18362.0)
Firefox (version 75.0)
Google Chrome (version: 81.0.4044.113)
Microsoft Edge (version: 81.0.416.58)

*All 64-bit versions

I’m also having the same issue using the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox.

same problem with me