Item Restoration Not Loading

I am trying to restore a chest piece that I accidentally disenchanted on 11/26. But the item restoration page has not worked for me in days. The page loads fine, showing the 10 most recently vendored/de-d items. But if I click page two, it just gets stuck in an endless loading loop. Using the search feature doesn’t show any item deleted after 11/24, unless that item is on the first page.

Tested out deleting a new item. The newly deleted item ends up on the front page and the tenth most-recently deleted item, which gets pushed to page two, can no longer be found.

I’ve tried multiple browsers on multiple computers at different times over the last three days.

Have you tried a different connection?

Yes. Unfortunately, that didn’t help.

Since posting this one hour ago, though, I can now see the second page for the first time in days. But I cannot see pages 3 through 10. (Page 11 loads without issue) So I am still unable to restore the item, which has been pushed to the third or fourth page by now.

Hi Tobble,

Apologies for the issues you are experiencing and thank you for your patience.

We recently released a fix for this issue that we hope will help.

Thanks again for your patience as we worked on this issue.