Item not found on AH on everything?

Have the devs addressed anything about this? I’m starting to get fed up with trying to buy stuff


2 days and still no fix…
Eh looks like they don’t know that Auction house plays an important role in world of warCRAFT


Also completely unable to buy anything right now… sigh. “Item not found” for everything…


Same. Half or more of the items are not found. :frowning:

I just resubscribed yesterday and today I posted a Mechanical Chicken on the AH and it immediately vanished. I guess I should have known better than to resubscribe.

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Here is the same and funny part and what make me really disappointed with Blizzard is this issues started after tuesday maintenance it means almost 1 week with this problem.4

My Mechanical Chicken finally showed up. So I farmed another one and then posted it on another realm. It promptly vanished. I am hoping this 2nd auction will also magically reappear at some point. Keeping my fingers crossed. Anyway, there are still problems with the AH, obviously.

the fix wont go into effect until tuesday after maint