Item Not Bugged I think but doesn't work as expected

Not sure where to post if an item is not working properly so im posting here.

I have a trinket called Waters Beating heart.
When i dispel the trinkets debuff i get a buff and one of the Buffs is ‘granting all nearby allies a shield for 15 seconds’
now here is the problem…

What is classified as nearby?

based on how far i am from my teammates in a dungeon some will get the buff some wont.
Generally i need to be next to the tank for him to get the buff.
sometimes even then he doesnt get the buff.
If i am around 10 yards from someone they wont get the buff.
What am i doing wrong or WHY is this trinket buff so ‘hit and miss’?

It doesnt say ‘Occassionally it will grant a nearby ally with a shield’ which is what happens with this trinket.
Also if blizz can put a range requirment for this trinket so it can be more specific for how far you need to be so an ally will get the buff.

please help or fix this.


Radius: 0 - 10 yards per SimC SpellData

Thanks Elven

How do i search for something in that?
I tried putting the trinket name into “” but i doesnt work for me.
Plz Help

You need to search for the ID of the spell effect, 432692.