Item lvl of remix after?

So do we know what itm lvl will be the gear of our remix chars when the event ends? Or has this not been revealed?

Either something like 418 (forgot where I read that) or just straight up boost gear (424). Nothing I’ve read anywhere since Remix started implies anything higher.

You will want to Warbank prepatch gear for your Remix toons so they’re ready to go when they’re released.

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It hasn’t been revealed, but there is a lot of speculation.

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415 is the lower number, my bad. WoWhead claimed that, but I haven’t seen the number cited anywhere else. WoWhead is usually pretty accurate for this kind of thing, but slightly annoying that there’s no references to check.


I’d be pretty surprised if they give everyone a flat 415 and ignore the effort players put into upgrading their gear.

But like you said, without a reference, who knows.

probably the same as a boosted 70, so 424 or something

Searching around some forum posts, it seems like the 415 number comes from Beta (probably copying Remix characters over? Idk). Haven’t seen screenshots or anything but if it’s from Beta then it’s probably fair to assume that’s what it’ll be, I doubt it’s something they’re worried about fine tuning since it’s 3 days before early access or whatever when they get out.

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its not like it matters right?

WW leveling starts at 400 or 405 ilvl.

I wouldn’t.

The amount of people I’ve seen complaining about things like the prepatch gear not being good enough to start TWW in is actually insane. I swear every expansion people forget that leveling is not tuned around endgame patch gear.

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yeah its funny

i think they just want to blow through level 71 and 72

Key point here is “implies.” Wowhead made a guess based off of god knows what, because Blizz never gave us a number.