Item level needed for Antorus, the Burning Throne (Heroic)?

I want to start farming gear for this alt and I’ve noticed on other characters that legion raids/instances are only soloable to a specific item level.

Because Antorus is the main big raid for legion I wanted to know if the item level would be even higher. So if you have a general idea of what item level I’d need to solo it on heroic please lemme know (I’m sure item levels might vary from class to class but getting a general idea would be helpful)!

I would guess you couldn’t solo heroic even at mythic raiding item level. I would ask on the general discussion forums because 100X+ more people read it. Your class/spec makes a huge difference as well.

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To go off Astryss, due to the recent leveling squish, scaling has been messed up and and Legion raids are in a weird spot for soloing and fine tuning the runs are currently in process.

I would google “shadowlands legion solo raids” or some variation thereof and read what the current news is, and what the guides recommend.

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I found a video of a hunter soloing normal at 175, which is a very low item level that can be obtained in 1-2 days. I only watched for a minute. There might be mechanics that require 2 people or a pet you’ll have to watch the whole video. If I have time next week, I might give it a try I’m 206. I’m sure you could find people in city chat or premade group finder running it.


In the LFG there’s actually a section for legacy raids, so there is definitely people running in there as a group.

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