Item level generally

I’m sure the final rewards are not in game yet, but none of the crafter gear or quest rewards are of an item level appropriate for the new expansion - they seem to range from ilevel 300 to ilevel 400 - we are likely to be starting around item level 500-520 coming into the expansion


Maybe an ilvl squish coming?

Based on the datamined item levels for dungeon and raid gear, it doesn’t look like an item squish is planned for TWW. Even so, it’s really inconsistent.

I had a quest reward yesterday that was supposed to be awarded at 506 (which would have been an upgrade), but it randomly rolled an upgrade from green to blue and was awarded at item level 250… so that felt ‘great’.

Oof. I agree that doesn’t seem intended :slight_smile:

This sounds like a bug. I’d submit a bug report. I had this happen on a quest in Hallowfall.

The baseline gear progression and difficulty will be tuned for fresh characters who just hit 70. They’ll be ~300 item level.

I did a tier 2 delve that dropped 515 end gear. Only issue was it dropped me as a rogue a tank trinket with STR on it.

I’ve also had a couple of items drop that are the wrong armor type but have been among the few actual ilevel upgrades I’ve seen.

As yet I haven’t had any random loot drops that have been an item level upgrade and for my armor type.